※※ Chapter 16: What Happened... Mikey?! ※※

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"Y/N chin?..." Mikey spoke as he watched your shocked expression toward to gravestone in front of you.

You slowly turned around with tears streaming down your face.

"Mikey... how?..." you spoke with a shaky voice as you looked at the two boys.

Mikey and Ken's heart ached seeing you in pain. But surely Mikey is hurting too isn't he, he lost his brother now...

Mikey gently grabbed your hand and took you somewhere, he knew you wanted an explanation, Mikey told you to get on his bike and rode off, with Ken riding behind.

You three were now sat at a field, Ken sat next to you, whereas Mikey stood near you with his back facing you as he stared off at the river in front.

You heard Mikey sigh, he started to speak up...


Note. I am not going to include when they go to the beach, I am only going to include the scene where Kazutora and Baji steal the bike. (Spoilers Ahead!)

''Hey Kazutora? Where we goin'?''

''It's almost Mikey's birthday right? We're gonna give him a present! A CB250T''

''But nobody's got a CB250T.''

''It's fine, don't worry.''

''This is the place.''


It was a bike shop [S.S MOTORS]

''A CB250T...''

''Let's steal it🖤''


''We shouldn't just steal it!''

''...Yeah, and...?''

''...If we get him a CB250T that way... Mikey won't be happy at all.''


''We won't tell him we stole it, then.''

''Mid-schoolers like us can only ride bikes given to us. So we got no choice but to steal.''

''You wanna see how happy Mikey will be don't you? This is the bike he's always dreamed of having.''

''Yeah, but still...''

''Let's do this Baji!''


''Here's the plan. First we'll break the rear entrance window and get in. It'll take about 10 minutes for security to show up. In that time we'll break the chain lock on the CB250T. I checked to make sure the key was already there. Then we'll open the shutter leading outside... and ride on out. Piece of cake right?''

''That's not the problem dammit! I'm saying that stealing is a bad idea.''

''You might complain...but you always go along with whatever I'm doing.''


''Here goes.''

''I can't believe this..''

''It's open!''

'Huh? the alarm's not going off... lucky''

''Well, c'mon''

''Are you really gonna do this Kazutora?''

''Keep it down. We're inside the shop now!!''

''You really wanna do this? If we go any further, we can't turn back.''

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now