Toman Idiots

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This is not really a chapter, but I thought you'd want something else cute just like the previous chapter hehe 😅🥰 to ease your hearts.

You had now been discharged from the hospital. Ran and Rindou dropped you and Sana off to your apartment. You still had bandages wrapped around thighs, the doctor took the one around your stomach off, but you were given ointment to put on the wound. This you had to do, as your doctor said it was important for the wound to heal. As soon as you got out of the car, Rindou picked you up bridal style and lead you inside.

"I can walk by myself Rin, I still have my legs" you chuckled

"Nope! No can do, you're an idiot, you never take care of yourself, so just be quiet and let me take you inside" Rin pouted, I mean he isn't wrong is he?


"Fine fine" you frowned as you rested your head on his shoulder.

He placed you down gently on the sofa and patted your head. Sana wanted to sit on your lap, Rindou was about to say something, but you stopped him. You then pulled Sana up and placed her on your lap.

"Are Mikey and the others coming?" Ran asked

"Hmm, yeah, probably on their way now" you chuckled

The boys nodded, you knew they had to get back to Yokohama, so you let them. They both kissed your's and Sana's foreheads before taking off.

15 minutes later...

*ding dong*

You then walked over to the door, the pain was still
there on your thighs, so you ended up walking slowly. You opened the door and was engulfed into a hug by Sanzu and Mikey.

"Ugh, you guys are hurting me" you winced in pain

Both Mikey and Sanzu immediately let go and apologised quickly. Baji's flicked your forehead. You forget these idiots are just as clingy and extremely over protective as the other four.

Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Baji were making food for everyone. The twins and Mikey were playing with Sana in her room. You were lying on the sofa, you had your legs rested on Sanzu's lap. Sanzu's hand was rested on your stomach as he gently caressed  it, being careful

"Does it still hurt?" He asked worriedly

"Hmm, yeah it hurts sometimes, but other than that it's okay I guess" you gave him a small smile

"Let me see the wound Y/N" he asked


"Go ahead, but please be careful Haru" you answered, to which he nodded

Sanzu then lifted your top up, a small frown appearing on his face, as he saw old wounds and now new wounds. His fingers gently caressing your stomach as he inspected your wounds carefully. You closed your eyes and smiled, they were being extremely gentle with your body, it almost made you cry.

"Do you always have to provoke the enemy you idiot, knowing you, you must said something that ticked them off when you were held captive by them" Sanzu joked, still caressing your stomach.

"You know me so well Haru" you laughed, with your eyes still closed

"Stop laughing, do you know how serious this is" he flicked your stomach, causing you to wince in pain

"Ow HARU WTF" you winced in pain as you held your stomach, a tear escaped your eye.

"You're an asshole" you pulled his hair, causing him to wince in pain

Now Sanzu felt guilty...he didn't mean to flick your wound hard.

"Aww I'm so sorry, princess" he apologised as he tried to bring you closer to him

"No no, I hate you now" you tried pulling away, but your body was tired, and Sanzu wasn't letting go

You eventually gave in and rested your head on his shoulders, he pulled you close as he rubbed your back.

"I'm so sorry" he said while stroking your hair

"You're a meanie, Haru is a meanie" you spoke as you got out of his grip and let your body flop back down on the sofa.

Sanzu then leaned down to your stomach and placed two gentle kisses on the two bullet wounds.

"That will heal your wounds now" he spoke as he now rested his head on your stomach, his thumb gently caressing your stomach.

"Your hair is tickling me, get off" you tried pushing him off you giggled

"Ugh, I was just getting comfortable as well. Okay fine, let me put the ointment on" he said as he got up and grabbed it.

He was being gentle as possible. (My heart ❤️)

Time skip to later on...

The others had arrived now, the girls, and Toman, all together at your apartment.

"Who said you guys could stay over?" You asked surprised

"Aww, does Y/N-chin not want us now" Mikey pouted

"Someone smack this idiot's head for me" you spoke

"You wound me Y/N-Chin" Mikey spoke as he frowned, earning laughs from the rest

"Whatever, you guys have practically made this your home, so why not" you shrugged

"Yeah and you were telling us to leave our home, you're so rude Y/N" Koko spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest


"I will kick you out myself then! It's not my fault" you scoffed as you now crossed your arms over your chest

You and Koko were having a staring competition now. The other watching while eating popcorn.

"Place your bets people!!" Hakkai yelled

"You won't win Koko~ I already won against you before" you teased him

"Ha? That was the past, what matters is now" Koko replied as he stared at you.

Baji then blew into your eyes and you ended up blinking, causing everyone to laugh

"Baji!! You dumbass!!" You yelled at him

"I win!! How does it feel to lose Y/N" Koko sticking his tongue out at you, you glaring at him but then it went to Baji

"Don't think you're getting away with this" you threatened

All that could be heard was laughter.... How beautiful.

You loved these idiots...times like this you were glad you have them all by your side.

Well...they say it's always calm before the storm... 🤭

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