※※ Chapter 18: Unexpected Encounter With The Haitani Brothers 2.0 ※※

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Ran was about to say something, but you slowly moved your head towards the direction of the little boy and the woman. You put your hand up signalling Ran to stop. He looked down at your hand and then back to you. Your still had a blank expression on your face, ignoring the stinging sensation on your cheek.

''Let's go guys'' You spoke as you turn around.

Ran and Rindou looked at each other, their faces had frowns, but eventually turned around and went after you.

''EXCUSE ME!!! PLEASE WAIT!!'' a loud voice caused you to stop in your steps and you three slowly turned around, seeing the same woman run up to you three.

''I am so sorry sweety, I had no idea you were helping my child, I totally misunderstood the situation, Please forgive me dear'' The woman said while bowing.

''No No please, you don't need to apologize, I understand what you did was for a reason, so please, no need to bow'' You said as you held the woman's shoulders helping her lift her head  up. You had a small smile on your face.

After the misunderstanding got cleared, the woman and the little boy bid their goodbyes. You were standing there watching them. You felt a sting to your heart as you watch the two walk away. You felt jealous, watching the little boy laughing with his mum, your heart ached, you of course had no idea who your parents were, that's why it hurt seeing other families.

''Why didn't you say anything Y/N?'' Ran asked worriedly

''She did nothing wrong Ran, to a mother, her child is the most important, and she would do anything for her child, that's why I understand what she did...'' You said with pain laced in your voice as well as understanding.

Ran and Rindou were shocked by your words, but they knew you were right, however, they didn't like the fact that she out and slapped you HARD!!

Rindou then glanced over at your cheek, and his eyes widened when he saw how red your cheek was, it was swollen as well.

''Shit!! Your cheek is swollen, we have to get an ice pack'' Rindou spoke with panic in his voice, causing Ran to look over, his eyes consequently widening at the sight.

You were now sitting on a bench with Ran as Rindou went to the pharmacy to grab an ice pack. He came back and gave it to you. You slowly put it on your cheeks, wincing in pain as the ice cold sensation sent shivers down your spine.

''Y/N be careful!'' Ran spoke when he heard you wince in pain.

You slowly leaned back on the bench as you closed your eyes. It wasn't until Ran spoke up.

''You know Y/N, you really are amazing, In the short time we got to know you, you showed us so many sides to you, you're strong, and that's coming from us, so you better believe that... we've met so many people, but we have never met anyone like yourself... I don't know to put it...but you have a certain charm... haha I don't even know if I am making sense myself, but just know we both acknowledge your strength, be it Physical or Mental.'' Ran said as he looked at the sky and then back at you.

You still had your eyes closed, both Ran and Rindou were just admiring your face, the scar seemed to fit perfectly on you, to them, it suited you (if that makes sense haha).

''Don't you think you're complementing me too much Ran?'' You spoke as you slowly opened your eyes.

''I am only telling you the truth you know, I'm not one to sugarcoat anything I say'' Ran replied as he smiled at you.

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