※※ Chapter 57: Time To Meet With Taiju ※※

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After the meeting...

You went off, leaving the Shrine, you just needed to leave. You made your way over to the park and sat on the swings waiting for Koko and Inui. Not long after, you saw them walking over. They sat down on the two swings on either side of you.

''What did you wanna talk to us about?'' Inui spoke up


''It's not that I don't trust you both...but...why do you wanna be under my command?''

Both Koko and Inui looked at each other and then back at you.

''If your reason is ''The Phanto-''

''Y/N. Listen to us, we already told you, we don't care if you're ''The Phantom'', that ain't our reason for why we joined under your command'' Koko spoke, now facing you fully.

''Okay... then... what is your reason?'' You spoke now looking at him.

''Your personality I guess... I don't really know how to explain it...'' Inui spoke up, causing you to look at him.

''Personality...?'' You asked surprised

''Hm. Yeah'' He simply replied

''You know I ain't nice to be around... I ain't your typical nicey nice person, so despite knowing that, you still wanna be under my command?'' You said

''Y/N. Look we know, something has happened that caused your change. We won't ask you what happened, but that ain't gonna stop us.'' Koko said

''You know Y/N, when I first saw you, you seemed distant, like, you mouth says something else, but your eyes say something else. You're tired we know, we can both see that.''

''When I carried you back home, you seemed so fragile, you know? if I'm being honest, I was scared about accidentally dropping you'' Koko looking at the sky, with a sad smile

''This one seemed way too protective over you Y/N'' Inui chuckled as he looked at Koko

''You're nice to be around, Y/N. We don't care if you're a murderer, we love beating people up just like you'' Koko chuckled

You were staring at the bushes infront of you, but you ended up smiling, both Koko and Inui smiled at you too.

''You look nice when you smile Y/N'' Koko smiled at you.

''Thanks...'' You said while closing your eyes.

''We're very understanding Y/N, we both respect you a lot, not because of ''The Phantom'', but you yourself. Soooo, we're looking forward to working with you Boss'' Koko sticking his tongue out.

''Ew, don't call me Boss'' You spat out

''Whyyyy?'' Koko whining like a little kid

''Cuz I said so'' You sticking your tongue out back at him

''You two are idiots, you know that!'' Inui blurted out

''Who you callin' an idiot!?'' You and Koko yelled at the same time.

The three of you looked at each other and ended up laughing.

''So... are we friends?'' Koko asked, with hope.

''Yeah'' You nodded

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