※※ Chapter 28: Toman's Split Up? ※※

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You were in your room, you heard about Mikey and Draken fighting, you were not happy at all, there was actually now a Draken Fraction, a Mikey Fraction, the fighting also included what you did, it was chaos,

Mikey wanted to bail Pah out with Money.

Ken wanted to honour Pah's resolve.

and Y/N wanted to stop the police from arresting Pah

Even though you could talk your way out for Pah's sake when the police questioned you, you however, got sent to hospital for treatment, after your questioning. So, in the end Pah still ended up turning himself in, he felt bad tbh.

Your POV

Pah, I am going to beat your ass, when you get out!! I didn't talk my way out for nothing you idiot. arghhh!!!!

Takemichi was at home, thinking about how Toman had been split up, at this point, it was going exactly the way Osanai had said... Both you and Draken will end up dying on August 3rd. Takemichi's friends came to visit him. They had saddened expressions on their faces.

''When Tachibana told us you'd been hospitalized Takemichi... It really scared me.'' Akkun spoke

''Not only that, when we heard what happened to Y/N-San, everyone was shocked, she got hurt twice in the spam of what... 20 minutes'' Yamagishi added.

''Have Mikey-Kun and Draken-Kun been fighting?!'' Takemichi asked

''Yeah, Looks pretty serious. Toman's gonna split in two any day. What happened with Y/N-San seemed to make things worse.'' Akkun replied while his head hung low.

''I knew it...'' Takemichi sighed

*Pftt* HAHAHAHA!!!!

''Sorry. I was just kidding. You got way too serious Takemichi'' Akkun said

''They fighting sure. But it's no different than usual.''

''Besides, Mikey-Kun and Draken-Kun... would never get into a big argument.'' Yamagishi further added.


''But you see Takemichi, what happened with Y/N-San seemed to take a big toll on them, so many arguments were going on about what happened to Y/N-San, it was honestly scary. They must really care about her...'' Akkun spoke, as he had a sad expression on his face.

Takemichi's POV

''Y/N-San is such a mysterious person, they all are protective of her, but something seems to be missing, like It feels like they are protecting something else, something that is related to Y/N-San. Who are you really? I'm getting curious day by day.''

So then Draken comes to visit Takemichi, and they ate a watermelon...

''Pah won't get out for a year. Well, I guess that's thanks to Y/N for lessening Pah's sentence for him, despite speaking in Pah's favour" Draken spoke

''So, how's Mikey-Kun...?'' Takemichi asked, almost sweating, however pissing Draken off, causing him to ruin Takemichi's puzzle, the poor guy spent three days doing (LMAO).

Draken then leaves, and Takemichi is following him questioning him about what the hell is going on with Toman. However, things get sour, when Ken saw the person outside the door...

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