※※ Chapter 53: Taking Care Of Myself? ※※

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You woke up the next day, surprised how you got home. You recalled what happened last night, so you figured that Chifuyu and Takemitchy may have dropped you off at home. You got up, however you noticed a note on the bedside table. You figured they must have left a note, incase you woke up confused. So you went and opened the note....


"You're probably wondering who brought you home, you can blame Koko for that. I only saw him when I met up with him, he was holding you in his arms. You don't have to worry, Koko already let your friends know he'd bring you home. We didn't do anything to you, so don't worry. Just make sure you take care of yourself, you were pretty pale last night. "


You stared at the letter, wondering why Koko and Inui would even bother bringing you home, more so you wondered how Koko even knew where you were? Did he find out about the so called "mole"

Your POV
"He does seem pretty smart, so wouldn't be surprising if he can find out stuff. But I guess I should be thankful to them for bringing me home."

You sighed. You then got ready and then left your room. You went to your medicine cupboard and opened it...

What medicines were there? Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds and many others, since you've had a horrible past and god knows how many times you've been to the hospital, you were on quite a lot of medication, your body was getting weaker and you knew it. However, nothing seemed to work for you. You then shuffled through the medicines until your eyes met with a certain bottle...

You took the bottle out and stared at it. It was the only thing that kept you going. It was the only thing that worked for you. So then you chugged the pill down and sighed.

You took your phone out and texted Koko about last night.

Hey Koko, thanks for bringing me home last night. I hope it wasn't too much for you and Inui.

Hiya Y/N, ahh no worries, me and Inui don't mind at all. Just look after yourself, you didn't look well last night, your were pale, so make sure you rest well ☺️ Let us know if you need something.

Ahh I wasn't too heavy was I? 😅 Was I really that pale? but yeah, I'll take care of myself. Thanks for the concern though.

Haha, no you aren't heavy so don't worry 😉 and yes you were pale Y/N, so please take care of yourself!

That's good to hear 😅 ehh, sure I'll take care of myself!

Time skip to 11pm

Mikey had just dismissed the members of Toman, leaving the Captains and Vices behind, you were sat on the steps, with your eyes closed. The others noticed your pale complexion. And they were worried, extremely worried about you.

Sanzu walked up you and sat down next to you. He poked our cheek, but his eyes widened, when he felt how warm your face was. Sanzu then touched your forehead and he realised that you have a fever.

"Shit!! Y/N you have a fever!! " Sanzu almost yelled

The others heard what Sanzu said and their eyes widened in response. Mikey then came and checked your forehead.

"Why did you come to the meeting if you had a fever Y/N-Chin?" Mikey asked worriedly

"Huh? I have a fever...?" You were confused, you touched your forehead and let out a chuckle

"Guess so..."

The others stood there watching you, how oblivious could you be for not even taking care of your body. You were sure the others were gonna scold you, but you looked so tired, so they decided not to push it. Instead all you heard were sighs.

"We are going home Y/N" Sanzu spoke as he picked you up bridal style.

"I'll take Y/N home, Mikey, the rest of you should get going too" Sanzu added

The others nodded, cuz they knew you were safe with Sanzu. So then Sanzu and Mucho got in the car and drove to your apartment. Sanzu had rested your head in his lap as he gently stroked your hair.

When they made it your apartment, he told Mucho he's gonna stay over at yours, since you couldn't be left alone. Mucho nodded, gently patting your head before taking off.

Sanzu brought you inside and took you to your room, he gently placed you down on your bed. You weren't asleep, so he decided to make something to eat for you. Whilst he was making your food. You told him where the medicines were, but since your head was hurting so much, you forgot the cupboard you told him about contained those "medicines". You hadn't realised but Sanzu was about to find out something.

Sanzu had now finished making your food, he placed a glass of warm water on the tray. All he needed to get were your painkillers for your headache. He opened the cupboard and his eyes widened at the amount of medicines you had. His heart pained at the sight. The amount of medicines going into your body was hurting him. But he knew why that was the case. All of Toman knew. Your past is the cause of this!

Sanzu's eyes then fell on a certain bottle, curiosity got the best of him, so he decided to check what those medicines were. When he had a better look, his eyes widened in horror, he stared at the bottle for a few minutes. He was sure he was imagining things. Surely you couldn't be into that? The Y/N he knows would never take these "medicines"

Sanzu stood there in shock, as he was trying to comprehend what he just saw. He snapped out of his thoughts and put the bottle back. He then made his way over to your room. He fed you your food and gave your medicines. He gently placed you back down in your bed and placed the covers on you. Sanzu was sat next to your bed, gently stroking your hair, while admiring your face. If he was being honest, you still looked beautiful, despite looking pale.

However Sanzu's mind was only on one thing. The bottle he found in the cupboard. You were now fast asleep, but you were holding Sanzu's hand tight, to which he didn't mind, he found it cute. He looked at you as a frown appeared on his face.

"Y/N... why?" He whispered

"Why won't you ask for help...was "that" the only choice you had left...?" His voice was painful

He couldn't help but stare at your sleeping figure. You really have changed. The cheerful Y/N he knew was slowly fading away... everything about you was changing... will you return to your normal self?

I wonder what Sanzu found out...?

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