※※ Chapter 51: Truce ※※

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A few days later...

A meeting was held with the Higher Ups of Toman, regarding the situation with the Black Dragons. You were sat next to Mikey whilst the Captains were spread out close by.

''Okay. Everyone's here.''

''Enter! Takemitchy. Hakkai...''

''As you know a few days ago... Takemitchy was beaten by the head of the Black Dragons, not to mention Y/N here, almost got hit too. He committed violence on Takemitchy and tried to attack Y/N, knowing she is Toman's 3rd Commander. Which means that this... IS A DECLARATION OF WAR BY THE BLACK DRAGONS''

''Well, it's not like he actually did hurt me, so...'' You spoke, only to receive a glare from Mikey and Baji.

''Cheeky assholes. Let's curb stomp them.''

''We already crushed the Black Dragons once. It'll be easy right?''

''We beat the ninth generation before. The tenth generation's totally different.''

''You're missing the point!! It wasn't Takemitchy's or Y/N's fault they didnt know where the Black Dragon's Turf was. So why the hell did you take 'em there, Hakkai?''


''You're the boss's little bro aren't ya?''

''Tried to hide that from us, huh?!''

You were about to say something, but Mikey held your arm and shook his head, signalling no to you. To which you just looked at him with a blank expression.

''I won't make any excuses. Hate me, beat me, do whatever you want. As his little brother I am prepared for the consequences.''

''So Leader!! I Shiba Hakkai, Tokyo Manji Gang's 2nd Division Vice Captain...request permission to leave Toman!!''

''What's your decision Mikey?'' Ken asked

''I'll leave it to Mitsuya, since he's the Captain of the 2nd Division''

''Sorry Taka-Chan. I've already made up my mind.''


''Don't look so sad, Hakkai... I understand''

''It was a pleasure working with you!!''

''Huh? What are you saying? I didn't say you could leave. Let me talk to Taiju!''

''In that case, I am coming along too'' You spoke up

The others looked at you in surprise, especially Mikey and Baji.

''Excuse me, you wanna repeat that Y/N-Chin?'' Mikey spoke

''You heard me Mikey, I am going with Mitsuya'' You replied, looking at Mitsuya


''Well, then, I assume that means I can go'' You smiled as you hopped off the crate you were sitting on.

Kisaki and Hanma both smirked at your actions.

You, Hakkai, Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Takemitchy were now on your way to meet with Taiju

''Taka-Chan. Maybe it's not a good idea to meet with Taiju after all. Nothing you can say will get a good result out of him. He's a piece of shit.''

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now