※※ Chapter 6: The Two Mysterious Figures ※※

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The older one walked over to your bed and sat down on the chair next to you, his smile was warm, you felt fuzzy inside, the calming aura surrounding him seemed to have calmed you down.

"Let us introduce ourselves, my name is Sano Shinichiro... and he is my younger brother"
He looked back the younger boy and eyed him to come and introduce himself.

The young boy stood there, watching you, not realizing he was staring at you,

"Ahem" the older boy coughed to get the younger boys attention, causing the younger boy to
snap out of his thoughts, not trying to be rude, he made his way over to you, with a small plastered on his face.

"Name's Sano Manjiro, but you can call me Mikey" says the young boy

"Nice to meet you both, my name is L/N Y/N, you can call me Y/N" you smiled as you answered back.

"Say Y/N-Chan, are you hungry?" Asked Shinichiro in a soft voice. ahhh how cute.

You answered saying no, but then your tummy rumbled. Oops. Haha awkward...

Causing the two boys to chuckle 🤭

"Well I think that sound says otherwise" says Mikey as he chuckled at Y/N

"Hehheh, I guess I am" you said scratching the back of your neck with a hint of red on your cheeks

"Hai hai, does Y/N-chan have any preferences when it comes to food" Shinichiro asked

"I hate hospital food, I'm sick of it and it doesn't even taste good" Y/N said while pouting and crossing your arms.

Mikey's POV

"How cute" Mikey thought in his head... wait a minute, she hates hospital food, does that mean she has been admitted here before? Mikey was now wondering as he looked at Y/N.

"Okay then, what does Y/N-Chan want to eat?" Shinichiro asked waiting for Y/N to reply

"Hmmmmm... let me see... Ahh Dorayaki and Taiyaki... please" Y/N replied with sparkles in her eyes.

"Uhh okay, let me first check with your doctor as to what you can and can't eat, you know your still healing and you should eat something healthy... but let me see what I can do" Shinichiro says as he ruffled Y/N's hair.

"Manjiro, stay here with Y/N-Chan, I'll be back soon" Shinichiro says as he walked out the door, in which Mikey hummed in response

The next thing you knew was Mikey jumping on your bed all excited. WHATTT... !!

"Ne ne, you like Dorayaki?" Mikey excitedly says with sparkles in his eyes.

Do I smell the beginning of a new friendship here....

"YES!!!! If I could I would marry it" Y/N replied as she had hearts in her eyes.

Earning a laughter from Mikey, and you joining in. Half an hour had passed and you Mikey and got along so well, let's just say you both clicked with each other, how sweet. Ahh my kokoro can't take it.

Shinichiro got back from getting your food, as soon as he was about to enter he heard laughter inside the room. He stood there watching his younger brother and Y/N laughing like there is no tomorrow.

"Seems like you two are getting along perfectly well"

"Hmmm, I guess so, it turns out we have a lot of things in common, and importantly we both love dorayaki hehe" Mikey replied with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Shin ruffled both of their hairs and smiled at the pure sight in front of him, some time later after you were done eating, Y/N asked Dr Aki to transfer you to your sister's room because of course you wanted to see her, and see how she is doing.

A few hours later the four of you got accustomed to each other and the rest of the day was spent with chatting and laughter, you and Mikey were bickering about random stuff, while your older sister and Shin were just watching you two.

"Those two really are like each other aren't they?" says Shin to your older sister who's gaze is fixated on the two of you.

"Yeah..." your sister's voice went quiet and a small frown plastered on her face, Shin obviously noticed this and asked if everything is okay. A small moment of silence engulfed the two.

"You see... I don't ever want Y/N's smile to disappear, that smile of hers is precious and I'm willing to do everything to protect that smile" your older sister says as she watched you and Mikey

Shin paused for moment to let what your older sister said sink in, he soon smiled.

"Ehh I guess we both are doing the same thing, hehe, I guess it's the perks of being the elder sibling ennit, Shin replied with a smile

"You love Mikey a lot don't you?"

"Yes of course, I love my little sister too, more than anything" Shin answered

"You have a little sister too?" You older sister asked surprised

"She's my half sister, but I still love her to bits, you and Y/N-Chan should meet her, I'm sure she and Y/N-chan will get along well"

"I'm sure she will" your older sister replied

A few days later both you and your older sister were discharged from the hospital, you were packing up your stuff and your sister was helping you, after you got dressed up and you were ready to go... But where?

"Do you want us to drop you home?" Shin asked as he looked the two, Mikey sat on the sofa in the room.

Hearing this, your body started shaking without you knowing, you were quiet and just staring outside the window. Mikey stood up as he stood next to Shin as they both noticed the hesitation coming from the two of you.

"Y/N-Chin, are you okay, y-you're shaking bad" Mikey asked with worry in his eyes as he goes over you to pulling you into a hug, slowly rubbing your back.

"Y/N should we tell them?" Your older sister asked you with uneasiness settling in.

There was a moment of silence before you spoke up, you nodded your head as a response for your sister to continue

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