※※ Chapter 45: Takemichi Finds Out ※※

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It's been a few days after you woke up, despite recovering well, your doctor didn't discharge you as of yet. Your body was still weak. But now the guys let you walk around (took them long enough
🙄😅). You stretched your body as you got out of your bed. You asked your doctor if you could go outside, though you weren't allowed to physically leave the hospital, she allowed you to go to the roof top and get some fresh air. So here you were, still wearing your hospital clothes, a bandage was still wrapped around your head, making your way up the stairs.

You stepped outside, the warm breeze gently caressing you face. You breathed in and breathed out. You then made your way over to the railing. You sat down with your legs crossed, you rested your arms on the railing as you enjoyed the view out ahead. The rooftop has always been your favourite place, whether it be at school or elsewhere, you'd come here if you needed a break.

You sat there for some time. You had told Baji and Chifuyu to bring Takemichi with them since you had something to tell Takemichi (I'm guessing you already know what it's gonna be...)

Back downstairs....

Baji, Chifuyu and Takemichi were walking through the corridor, they brought you dorayaki on the way (yaaaayyy) and they entered your room...

"Huh? Where is Y/N?" Baji asked confused

Your doctor then walked in and told them that you were at the rooftop. They nodded and made their way up to find you.

''Baji-Kun, what does Y/N-San have to talk to me about?'' Takemichi asked curiously.


''You have a lot of questions regarding Y/N don't you? More so, about ''The Phantom'', she's gonna give you all answers you're looking for. You deserve to know.'' Baji answered

''You'll understand everything soon enough, Takemitchy'' Chifuyu added

The three then reached the door to the rooftop, the door opened and there you were sat near the railing, with your eyes closed. They then made their way over to you. Chifuyu gently patted your head as they sat down beside you. You got startled, opening your eyes, but you smiled when you saw the three.

''Heheh, sorry if I startled you there'' Chifuyu chuckled

Baji then handed over a bag to you, you opened it and you had sparkles in your eyes (such a kid)

''Waahhh, THANK YOU!!''

Causing the three to just chuckle at your innocence.



''Before you ask me any questions Takemichi, I'll just tell you everything about myself, I'm sure that'll answers many of your questions you have for me.'' 

So then you told Takemichi about everything that has happened. You told him about how you had a older sister, and that you both were orphans. How you had to leave as you were ''adopted''. You didn't say anything about the torture you and your sister went through, since Baji and Chifuyu both did not know about it (so imagine their reactions am I right?).... only Mikey and Kazutora know about it..

Now you got to part about that gang. You told Takemichi about the gang. How you beat some of their members up, without realizing who they were (well what could you have done back then, you hated people touching you so...). So now you told him about that night, how that was the reason you got the scar, to how you were arrested, and sent to juvie for it, how you lost your sister 😭, how ''The Phantom'' came about because of that very event.

Takemichi sat there, with wide eyes, trying to comprehend what you just told him. He couldn't form any words. What you told him was shocking to him.

Takemichi's POV

''So that's why everyone didn't want the secret to go out. Y/N-San has been suffering all this time. Yet, she kept strong in front of everyone. But Y/N-San, being a murderer doesn't make sense, but I do understand, she did that because her only family got killed because of that gang. I guess anyone would've done that...''

''Takemichi, I'm sorry if I ever came across as rude to you, it's just that... I needed time...it still hurts...but I have everyone with me... If I'm being honest I never wanted to tell anyone, that day Mikey, Draken and Baji happened to be there, so they found out first...'' Your voice trailed off at the end.

''Y/N-San. You don't have to apologize to me, I totally understand where you're coming from. If I'm being honest, you had a reason for what you did, sure it is hard to imagine you murdering someone, let alone a whole gang...but you're still you.'' Takemichi said, with a sad smile.

''So that's why, you don't have to worry about what I think, cuz you're not a monster in my eyes, you never will be..'' He added, whilst smiling at you.

''Thank you Takemichi'' 

''But...I feel like I'm changing...I don't know how to explain it...but that night, something changed inside of me'' You added

Baji and Chifuyu's POV


Takemichi's POV

''Y/N-San knows she will lose it anyday...she's doing everything she can to keep sane. We have to be by her side. I don't want Y/N-San to change.''

(But, let's be honest right now... we all know y'all are changing)

''But don't worry, I ain't leaving again, hahah'' You joked trying to lift the mood


''I'm sorry guys... I really am afraid...so afraid of what I'll become, I don't know what's gonna happen in the future... but whatever happens, please stay away from me... I feel like I won't be able to stop myself...''



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