※※ Chapter 12: Toman's Day Out ※※

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This might be small chapter, where all the higher ups (Aka, Mikey, Ken, Y/N, Division Captains and Vice Captains and Emma spend a day at the beach)

But first let me tell you about your relationships with the other members:

1st Division, Vice Captain, Matsuno Chifuyu: You just have a really close relationship with him, he adores you, is protective of you (well I mean they all are but yeh), he always gives you head pats, and you to him, hehe o(〃^▽^〃)o

2nd Division, Vice Captain, Shiba Hakkai: Well, this guy is too shy around you, haha, but he does admire you a lot, HE IS JUST A SHY LITTLE BABY 👉👈 tho he does get jealous if someone tries to talk to you.

3rd Division, Vice Captain, Ryohei Hayashi (Peh-Yan): This guy just gets on well with you, he respects you a lot (I mean then again they all do haha), but yeah...

4th Division, Captain (Kawata Nahoya), Vice Captain (Kawata Souta): You three are practically siblings, like seriously, you can get so chaotic with these two around you, and they probably are the ones who spoil you the most, haha 🧨

5th Division, Captain, Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho): Treats you like a younger sister (dont know what else to say ahah) ^_^

5th Division, Vice Captain, Sanzu Haruchiyo: You two didn't get along at first (Funny), but you seemed to have gotten used to each other. Although you two will annoy each other. Kind of have a love-hate relationship going on between you two. However, Sanzu doesn't show it but deep down he cares for you (Tsundere ALERT!!) 🙃


It was a warm and sunny day, the golden sun shining brightly, leaves swaying gently in the summery breeze. Today was the day where you all decided to have visit the beach.

"Okay... sunscreen ✅ beach ball ✅ straw hat ✅ sunglasses ✅ book ✅ towel ✅ etc..."Y/N said checking off the list in her hand

You were wearing shorts and a plain top, cuz you don't wanna wear a swimsuit!

Now all of you were at the beach, you, Emma, Mitsuya we're setting stuff up

Kazutora and Pah-chin relaxing on the beach chairs, rejuvenating their eyes (haha if you know you know)
Mikey, Draken, and The Twins we're having a race to the sea, in which Draken wins, next thing you knew, they were splashing each other with water.
Sanzu, Mucho, Peh-Yan and Hakkai playing beach volleyball (you can decide who wins and who loses haha)
Baji and Chifuyu doing God knows what, probably petting cats somewhere 😂
You and Emma on the other hand were now sat under the umbrellas reading your book, you brought two since Emma loves reading too, but eventually Emma joined Mikey and the others too. Leaving you sitting alone (but you like your me time so it wasn't all bad haha).

Mitsuya also went and joined Mikey and the others in the water.

"What's a cutie like you sitting all alone here?" Someone spoke. You looked up and saw two girls walking up to you.
You wanted to internally threw up, cuz you hated people like this, why did people like you like seriously, can't they just leave you be? Ugh can you get lost and let me read in peace?!

"Please refrain from using nicknames when you don't even know me, I don't know you so please LEAVE." You said in a monotone voice

"Aww, come on doll face, we can be your friends" the girl said again in a teasey voice

"I will not repeat myself, get lost before I break your ugly faces" you growled back

The girls however, being bitches they were, didn't leave you alone, it was getting on your nerves, they RUINED your ME time!

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