※※ Chapter 73: Getting Rid Of Enemies Of The Past ※※

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While the guys were waiting outside in the corridor, Izana and the others rushed to Shibuya, after hearing what Sanzu told them, they had to see you.

They heard footsteps coming down the corridor, they all looked up and saw the four of them running towards them.

''Mikey, where is she?'' Izana asked, panting, due to all that running

''She's being moved to another room right now...but she still hasn't woken up yet'' Mikey spoke with a sad voice

''She hasn't woken up yet?!'' Kaku asked, as he gritted his teeth

''Doc says she doesn't know when she'll wake up'' Sanzu spoke up, his voice sounding tired

''You're joking right...?!'' Ran asked as he looked at Sanzu with wide eyes, not believing what he said. But Sanzu just shook his head as a no for an answer.

Izana then sat down next to Mikey, leaning back on the chairs, closing his eyes. Everyone stayed silent. Nobody bothered to speak up. Until...

''You do have one or two of those bastards held captive right?'' Mikey asked as he stared at the wall infront of him. Causing Izana to open his eyes and look at Mikey

''Yeah...we do. Stubborn bastards.'' Izana scoffed in disgust

''They've been tortured for the past few days, yet they haven't opened their mouths'' Rindou now spoke in disgust, causing the others to look at him.

''You're thinking of what I'm thinking of right Sanzu?'' Mikey asked as he looked over at him

''Yeah...I think it's time to switch it up a notch, those bastards have to speak up'' Sanzu spoke as he stared ahead

Izana and Kaku looked at each other and smiled, they knew exactly what Mikey and Sanzu were thinking.

*knuckles cracking*

''Well, if you're gonna do this, then invite me along too'' Baji said with a smile on his face

''I think it's time to torture some bastards, don't ya think, Draken?'' Baji laughed, causing Ken to chuckle.

''Totally right you are'' Ken high fiving him

Izana and Mikey both chuckled as they high fived each other too.

''You guys should go home (as in the rest of Toman), I want Koko and Inui to stay with Y/N-Chin. You all are exhausted so go get some rest.'' Mikey smiled at them.

''Mikey, you're being mean, how do you expect us to go home'' Nahoya pouted

''If Y/N-Chin found out you guys didn't get rest because of her, do you think she'll like that?'' Mikey asked as he chuckled.

''Ahh, you're right, she will end up smacking us on our heads'' Mitsuya chuckled

''And her slaps hurt like hell, so do yourselves a favour and go home'' Ran spoke as rubbed his head, causing the others to laugh.

With that, they eventually ended up going home. Koko, Inui, Mikey, Sanzu, Baji, Ken, Izana, Kaku, Ran and Rindou were ones left. They were waiting for doctor to give them the green light to go meet Y/N. Once they got told that, Koko and and Inui went inside and the rest stayed outside. Koko stopped and locked back...

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