※※ Chapter 40: The Phantom ※※

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The image used above: Credit goes to the owner

(Just imagine this snake ''wrapped'' around your arm)


You and Mikey both weren't moving, you were tired!

People around you were watching you in shock, the only thing in their minds was the tattoo. Whispers could be heard from everyone, including both Toman and Valhalla members.

''No Way!!''

''T-That tattoo...''

''Doesn't that tattoo belong to...''


''L-let's get out of here!!''

''Holy Shit!!''

''Nobody has heard about them in ages'' (Referring to you as nobody knew if The Phantom was female or male)

''It's ''THE PHANTOM!!''

''T-The Phantom is right infront of us...''

With Ran and Rindou...

''I guess... Y/N was a lot more interesting than we thought...'' Ran spoke as he stared at your tattoo.

''The person who we've respected for so long, the person who nobody knew, was with us all this time...'' Rindou added, as his face turned into a frown.

Both the brothers were shocked at the scenes, never did they think you would turn out to be ''The Phantom''. They both had sad expressions written on their faces...

''Brother, I... I think I understand why Y/N kept this a secret from us, she probably was thinking of what we might think of her if we found out...she probably thought we might think of her as a monster...'' Rindou spoke as he gritted his teeth, watching you pain.

''...Yeah'' was all Ran said as he watched you, his heart aching.

Back to the others...

''This is bad Draken!! Her secret is out!'' Mitsuya spoke with panic in his voice. He glanced over at Draken and all he saw was Ken gritting his teeth.

''We got to get her out of there, she can't stay there any longer'' Nahoya spoke as he watched your figure slumped down on the car, just like Mikey.

Takemichi's POV

What the hell is happening? Why is everyone scared of Y/N-San? Why are they calling Y/N-San ''The Phantom''? Arghhh I don't know what's happening anymore!! Is this what everyone was protecting...? Y/N-San what the hell happened to you...?

As Takemichi looked around, the division captains all had shocked expressions, he could definitely tell something was going on.

Your POV

''Ahhh, my head hurts so much, ffs I can't even feel anything... Haha I guess everyone found out now... Great.... Jusssst great!! Fuck my head!!

Everyone was frozen seeing you and Mikey both down, but more so they were scared to even approach you, after finding out who you were. They were scared, becasue it would take seconds for you to murder them.

"Chifuyu... why are people calling Y/N-San "The Phantom''?'' Takemichi whispered

But all he got was silence from Chifuyu, Chifuyu also gritted his teeth.

"Y/N!!!! Get out of there!!!!" Sanzu now yelling at you

The other spectators were looking at you with the same shocked expression, tho some smirked as they finally found out who "The Phantom was!

"Huh? Wait"

"They are both down though..."

"Does that mean we have a chance?"

''hey. They're not moving.''

"Come on you guys let's get them" Chouji yelled with his members behind him

"Let's gooooo!!" another Valhalla Captain (another girl)

Now the two captains of Valhalla with their squads were charging for you and Mikey.

The rest of the Toman Captains were trying to get to you and Mikey but were pushed back by the Valhalla members.

Both of the Captains were about to charge for your's and Mikey's head, but Kisaki came of nowhere and punched Chouji away, while Aoi punched the girl captain away, now standing in front of you.

"Tokyo Manji Gang, 3rd Division Captain, Kisaki Tetta, and 3rd Division Vice Captain, Kisaki Aoi, will protect our Gang's Leaders.'' Kisaki announced.

''KISAKI!?'' Takemichi, said confused.

''The black-masked Captain in Valhalla, the gang Kisaki took over... Was one of Kisaki's cronies!!''

''WOW. Not bad at all. Kisaki, Aoi'' Mitsuya admitted

''TSK!! Are they tryna become the leaders now?'' Chifuyu scoffed

Takemichi's POV

''I get it now... Whether Toman wins or loses this fight...Kisaki and Aoi get their way!! If Toman loses, it gets absorbed into Valhalla. If Toman wins, Kisaki and Aoi will use actions like this to raise their ranks.''

''So no matter how this fight turns out...It'll all pay into his scheme to take over Toman!! We ended up as his pawns without even realizing it...!!''


Kisaki then glances over at your figure, and sees the tattoo on your arms, he then smirks.


Kisaki's POV

''Heh... nice to see you ''Phantom''

Then all of a sudden.....

Then all of a sudden

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