※※ Chapter 9: Meeting Baji Keisuke ※※

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It was a Saturday and you were on your way to meet Mikey at the Park, you were told by Mikey to meet him at the jungle gym.

<You were wearing wearing ankle length black trousers with a cream oversized t shirt and your shoes, well you were wearing sandals> pretty similar to Hanma's clothes, you weren't the girly type of person hence your outfit choices


After you got ready, you ran downstairs and told your sister that you going to meet up with Mikey, your sister was making something before she headed to work.

"Onee-San I'm going to meet up with Mikeyyy!!" You yelled as you can running into the kitchen where your sister was making dorayaki for you.

"Wahhhh, it smells so goooood" you spoke with sparkles in your eyes as your mouth watered.

"You can take some for Mikey-chan too, I made enough" you sister says as she ruffled your hair

"Thank you Onee-San!! I'm gonna go now, BYE BYE!! " Y/N yelled in excitement as you hugged your sister

"Take care Y/N and tell Mikey I said hi!" Your sister spoke back as he kissed your forehead.

You were now on your way to the park, you found the jungle gym that Mikey told you wait near by.

"Huh, late as always!"You sighed as you checked your watch.

"Y/N-chin!!!! I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING LATE" you heard Mikey shouting as you see him getting closer.

Something caught your eye tho, there was another kid with Mikey, huh who was he? Is he a friend of Mikey?
You were wondering who this new kid was?

"You weren't waiting for long were you?" Mikey asked kinda feeling guilty he made you wait, in which you just shook your head.

"I'm used to it Mikey, so no need to apologise" you said with a grin as you flicked Mikey's forehead, which earned an ow from Mikey.

You then glanced back at the boy standing behind Mikey. He had shiny black hair and alluring grey eyes (haha not wrong tho am I?), he stood there watching you with curiosity. Who were you?

"Y/N-Chin, meet my good friend" Mikey spoke with a huge smile plastered on his face

"Hiyaaa, name's Baji Keisuke, you can decide what you wanna call me, I don't mind, nice to meet you" Baji put out his hand for a handshake, with his signature smile, showcasing his sharp canines.

"Nice to meet you Baji, my name is L/N Y/N, you can call me Y/N" you smiled returning the handshake, earning a nod from Baji is response to your answer.

After your introductions, you and Baji got along really well, you were talking to each other like you've known each other for years.
Oh yeh, one more thing, your new nickname for Baji is Vampire-Kun cuz of his sharp canines haha, of course Baji didn't approve, but he just couldn't ahh, your sweet smile seemed to have taken a toll on Baji, he couldn't handle your cuteness.

Well, about Mikey, it seems like our little blondie may have been slightly jealous of your interaction with Baji, but anyhoo you three still had fun.

"Let's go and get some ice cream!!!" You yelled as you dragged Baji and Mikey along with you, earning chuckles from them.

"Can we please have three medium vanilla ice creams with rainbow sprinkles" you asked the shop worker with, earning a small smile from the worker due to your pureness.

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