※※ Chapter 71: Red Marks?! ※※

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You were being looked after by the guys and the girls, they took turns to look after you, since your body was still weak.

First was Mikey

Next it was Emma, Hina and Yuzuha


Currently it's Baji and Chifuyu

So here you were with Baji and Chifuyu, You guys were binge watching movies all night, the three of you huddled together in a blanket. You of course were in the middle, those two wouldn't let you sit on the sides.

Next day....

The three of you were now awake, Baji and Chifuyu cleaned up the living room, while you went and made breakfast. They joined in afterwards cuz they wanted to cook with you too.

After you all were done eating, you were lying down on the sofa. You were rubbing your stomach gently, since it was hurting, you figured it was because of the two bullet wounds, but it started to hurt a lot lately. It wasn't completely healed but you didn't think it would start hurting a lot again, especially when everyone made sure you rested your body. You had a pained expression on your face as you looked up. It was starting to sting more now.

"What's wrong Y/N? Are you okay?" Chifuyu asked worriedly, causing Baji to look over at you

"It hurts...my stomach has been hurting a lot lately and I don't know why...the bullet wounds shouldn't be hurting this much, and plus I haven't done anything to stress them out" you sighed as you held your stomach.

"Let me check your wounds" Baji spoke, you nodded

Baji then slowly lifted your top up, but didn't find anything weird. He gently caressed the wounds gently.

"Nothing seems to be the problem here, maybe your body is just tired... stop rubbing it as well, that's only gonna hurt the wound" Baji said worriedly as he put your top down

"I mean, they are deep wounds, the tissues and cells are still healing right, so that must be the reason. It will hurt from time to time, until they've fully healed" Baji added

"Baji-San is right Y/N, you stressing out is only gonna stress your body out aswell. You just need lots of rest" Chifuyu placing a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"Do you want me to get your hot water bottle to ease the pain" Baji asked

"Yes please, the teddy bear one, it's soft" you giggled, causing Baji and Chifuyu to smile

Baji then went and got your teddy bear hot water bottle, gently placing it on your stomach. The pain seemed to ease, you sighed in relief.

Time skip to afternoon....

Baji and Chifuyu were leaving, it was Sanzu's turn next to look after you. You were asleep on the sofa. baji and Chifuyu walked out the door and saw Sanzu walking up. He smiled at them and they did too.

(I swear I love Sanzu so much, I feel like this is turning into a Sanzu ff 😅😍)

"How is she doing?" Sanzu asked


"She is okay... but her stomach has started to hurt a lot more, she was in pain this morning. It has eased since then... but make sure you keep an eye on her wounds from time to time" Baji explained

"Don't worry, I will" Sanzu smiled

"Let us know if you need anything" Chifuyu added, earning a nod from Sanzu

Time skip to evening....

You and Sanzu were sat on the sofa, Sanzu had his arms wrapped around you as you laid your head on his chest. One hand slowly caressing the skin under your top. You were watching TV, until Sanzu spoke up.

"Are you hungry, Princess? Shall I cook you something?" Sanzu asked as he looked down at you

"Yes please" you replied smiling

"Okay then, rest here and I'll be right back" he spoke as he slowly placed you down on the sofa and kissed your forehead

Sanzu was now making food for you, you were lying down watching TV. Your stomach had started to hurt again, but this time it was a lot more painful. You clutched on to it tightly as tears started to fall out of your eyes.

"Damn it!! What the hell" your voice was shaky

You wanted to get up, so you slowly did, but the pain was too much, your legs started to get wobbly, you were now on the floor crying and in pain.

"HARUUUU!" You yelled his name in pain

Sanzu then came rushing in and his eyes widened when he saw you on the floor crying. He quickly picked you up and placed you gently on the sofa.

"H-Haru... please make it stop, i-it hurts so much" you spoke with as shaky voice

Sanzu then lifted your top up and his eyes widened, you had two big red marks on your stomach, his eyes went to your arm and there was one there too. The marks stood out from the rest of the scars on your stomach. He gritted his teeth, as he gently brushed his finger over the one on your stomach. Something was definitely going on.

"Y/N? You're not allergic to anything are you?" He asked worriedly still gently caressing your stomach

"No..." was all you could say, the pain was getting to you.

"This is bad, we need to get you to the hospital!" Sanzu said as he gently picked you up bridal style.

He got you to the hospital safely, but you had passed out from the pain. He called Mikey and the others there too, explaining what happened. They all had wide eyes as they stood there in shock at what happened.

With Dr Aki...

"Get a full blood test done now!!" She ordered

After the report came back... an unknown substance was found, after further investigation of this unknown substance, her eyes widened in horror as she looked at the results in front of her


Back with the boys...

Their hearts were racing, they were worried, scared, because medical professionals ran in and out of your room in a panic.

They were really scared now, wondering what happened.

After some time...

Your doctor came out of the room, she walked over to the boys

"How is she Doc?" Mitsuya asked



"She is fine... she's stable, but her body is extremely weak right now....She is still unconscious, we are waiting for her to wake up..."

Their eyes widened as they heard what she said, of course they were glad you were okay, but you were still unconscious...

What was that unknown substance they found?

Why was your doctor reacting like that?

In fact, how did you even get those marks?

So many mysteries...???

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