※※ Chapter 10: Meeting Ryuguji Ken (Draken) ※※

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You and Mikey were walking to school together, ugh how you wish school never existed, stupid school (but jokes aside, school is important tho).

"ne ne Mikey do we really have to go school?'' Y/N whined

''Haha, are you trying to run away from your followers... or should I say admirers?'' Mikey snickered, earning a glare from Y/N.

''Y/N-chan!!! There you are!!'' shouted a girl, while running up to you and Mikey

You both looked back at the owner of the voice, and guess what it was one of your classmates, or should I say one of your admirers, well actually this girl would literally be in your face trying to grab your attention, it actually disgusts you, becasue you hate people being all clingy with you.

Mikey's POV

''Haha I sense a rejection coming...''

'' U-uhm, Y/N-chan I-I actually have l-liked you for s-some time, will y-you please a-accept this letter from me?'' the girl saying with a hint of blush on her cheeks, as she handed you a letter with a heart sticker, it even smelled of perfume, It made you wanna throw up.

You on the other hand just stood there with a blank expression on your face, Mikey standing next to you watching with amusement. You took the letter from her, the girl's eyes beamed with happiness, as she quickly bowed and thanked you, then running off.

'Oh wow, you actually accept-'' Mikey was about to continue

You walked off and threw the letter in the dustbin with a disgusted expression plastered on your face.

''Let's go Mikey'' Y/N said sternly.

''HAHAHAH Omg, Y/N-chin, your bluntness never fails to amaze mee'' Mikey laughed as he saw you throw the letter away, haha yes you just didnt care, it was getting annoying really.

After that you both continued on your way to school, everytime you walked by other kids, some would be scared and scurry away. WHY? becasue they knew what you two were like, nobody messed with you both.


''Ken, don't you think you've been acting too cocky lately?'' says a delinquent named Sameyama

''It's too early for you to take on middle schoolers!'' another one says

'' You'll get your ass handed to you!'' another one added

''My bad'' answered the boy with a dragon tattoo

'' Speaking of cocky, there's those two kids from 7th Elementary, Mikey and L/N Y/N

This caused the boy with the tattoo to twitch

''7th elementary, Year 5, Sano Manjiro, aka Mikey and L/N Y/N made their names after beating the shit out of the leader of the biker gang Backikan''

''Bring them here!'' he ordered

''What the hell are these kids?!, even I can't take on high-schoolers, let alone high-schoolers that are strong. If I take those two back back to them to get beat up, that'll be the end. Before that I want one change to fight them both myself!!'' the boy ran with excitement filling his body.


''Hey, you from 7th Elementary? Im looking for Mikey and L/N Y/N. Have you seen them?

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