※※ Chapter 21: She's Back!! ※※

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Musashi Shrine, 10:30pm

The meeting has now finished, Mikey has now dismissed the members, but announced for the Captains and Vice Captains to stay behind. Mikey told them that he needs to speak to them about something or shall I say someone. Mikey and Draken had left to get YOU! The others were confused as to what was going on.

"I wonder what Mikey wants to tell us" Mitsuya questioned

"Ne, did anyone else notice that Mikey and Draken both seemed different?" Baji now spoke causing the others to look at him.

"Well now that you mention it, they DID seem... happy... should I say" Pah answered while tapping his finger on his chin.

"Well ever since Y/N left, both of them hardly smiled, even during meetings, they always had a sad expression written on their faces" Sanzu spoke up as his face saddened at the thought of Y/N leaving them. I guess they couldn't blame you could they?...

Now they all were sad, knowing you might not return back to Toman. Little did they know, they were in for a surprise . \(@^0^@)/

Mikey and Draken were walking back, they stood at the top of the stairs. The others were waiting patiently for them to speak.

"You can come out now!" Mikey yelled, causing the others to raise their eyebrows as to who Mikey was calling.

Then they heard footsteps, you were wearing your Toman uniform, your jacket gently flowing backwards due to the breeze. You now stood at the top of the stairs, with a small smile on your face.

Multiple eyes widened, a few gasps could be heard from them.

"Y/N!!!" They all yelled at the same time.

The next thing you knew was you being tackled to the floor by the twins.

"Y/N, we missed you so much!!!!" Souta spoke, tears almost threatening the come out of his eyes
They were literally squeezing the life out of you, they noticed your struggle so they loosed their grip,

The others all welcomed you back, there were tears of joy, many hugs, some still not believing their eyes... you finally came back, back to Toman. They missed you so much, saying they were overjoyed was an understatement. They couldn't explain how happy they were!!!

However they noticed something, a scar on your face! What happened Y/N?

"Y/N what happened to your lips?!!" Sanzu asked worriedly as his thumb gently traced the scar on your lips, being as gentle as he could.

Your face darkened as you gently put Sanzu's hands down, he and the others noticed your sudden change in aura. They couldn't help but feel anxious.

You looked back at Mikey and Ken, they nodded for you to continue.

Your were sat on the stairs now, with the others in front of you, you looked up at the sky and closed your eyes. You inhaled and then exhaled. You opened your eyes as you look straight at them.

"Let me take you back to 5 years ago..." you starting speaking

You then told them everything that had happened, from when you beat up the five people from the [Gang Name] because they were messing with you. You then told them about the the night it happened. How they killed your sister... how you felt a sudden surge inside of you... resulting in you murdering the whole gang... how you got this scar during that fight when your lips got slashed by a knife one of them was holding... you also showed them the massive scar on your arm you got when you first encountered the gang... they listened to your words carefully, absorbing all the information in... you've been hurting all this time... you suffered because of those bastards... they took your only family away from you... how did you spend all those five years coping... so many thoughts were going through their minds... they were hurt seeing you in pain... they were angry... they were sad... they were pissed... they were shocked... but mostly they HATED seeing you suffering on your own... those bastards took your smile away from you...

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now