※※ Chapter 14: Where Do I Go From Here? ※※

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During the five years in Juvie, you met with Shin and Wakasa, on a few occasions, you told them everything that happened that night. They were left speechless, more so in pain, seeing you in pain was painful for them, because they knew how much you loved your sister. What's more painful is the fact that you did not even get to attend her funeral. At the end, you were nothing but a broken person, your eyes lost their light, they seemed empty...

You met with Baji, Ken and Mikey once only, when they came to visit you in juvie. After that you told them not to visit you again. They were obviously shocked by this, more so seeing you hurt caused their hearts to ache, not being able comfort you when you need it the most was difficult for them.

Even in juvie you kept yourself to yourself, hardly ever interacting with other underage offenders, some tried to reason with you, some tried to piss you off, some even tried to be friends with you, but you just shrugged them off.

You knew you were changing... that spark inside you was confirmation that you were probably not going to go back to the way you were... deep down you had given up really... that incident will always haunt you forever... you were carrying such a heavy burden...

Mikey and others sent letters to you, but you never opened them. Were you scared? Did you not care? Were you afraid of what they think of you now? Were you a monster is their eyes?


Five years later...

You are now getting released, as soon as you stepped outside, the cool breeze caressed your face, hair gently flowing backwards. You, however, still had that blank expression on your face. It seemed that you had lost your smile, your sweet smile that spread happiness to everyone... just gone... will it ever come back...??

You were about to step out of the gates when a black car suddenly pulled up in front of the gates, then a window opened and it revealed Akashi Takeomi, smiling at you.

"Akashi-San?" You questioned with confusion as to what he was doing there.

"I've come to get you, come on kiddo, hop in" he replied signalling you with his head for you to enter the car.

You slowly made your way to the other side and opened the door to get in. It was silent at first until Akashi spoke.

"So how have you been getting on Y/N?" He asked

"I've been...okay...I guess..." you replied as you voice trailed off, you were staring outside the window. Your voice wasn't the same anymore, it sounded tired...painful...lost... Akashi noticed this, he didn't want to push you any further, but you not speaking and keeping stuff to yourself wasn't healthy either.

"I'm assuming, you haven't opened any of the letters you've been receiving?" He added, noticing the two metal boxes you were holding. You kept the letters safe in the boxes.

You didn't answer straight away, just looked down at the box, with your fingers fiddling with the lock.

"I-I don't know how to open them, I know it is rude of me to not read them, considering how they have been sending them for the last five years. I-I just couldn't bring myself to do it" you replied, every word you formed, your were hurting.

"You know Y/N, nobody is going to force you to read them, you can take all the time you need, we all know it's difficult for you, so please stop worrying, if there is one thing I know, that is, Mikey and the others won't feel bad about you not reading their letters, they are your close friends and they understand that more than anything, okay? They will always stick with you no matter what " Akashi added as he gently ruffled your hair, worry was clearly noticeable in his voice.

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