※※ Chapter 3: Goodbyes ※※

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January 5th

It was a warm, yet slightly chilly day, sounds of birds chirping could be heard. Another day just passing by, but of course for Y/N there is never a dull day when she has her two best friends with her

However, who knew this would be the day Y/N says goodbye to Izana and Kakucho

Y/N's older sister has received word that someone wants to adopt the two of them, meaning Y/N and your O/S . WHAT !!!! So that means they have to leave ? But why?? This is their home !!

How will she break the news to Y/N ?

Y/N was cleaning up her room before she went out to find Izana and Kakucho, the day they were going outside of the orphanage to play in the park (of course with permission from the nurses and social workers )

"Hmmmm okay all done" Y/N spoke as she stood in the doorway inspecting her room for cleanliness
"Now off to find Izana and Kakucho" Said Y/N excitedly, mentally smiling as she couldn't wait for their little playground playdate

You were about to go into the bathroom when you heard your O/S calling for you

"Y/N" says your O/S, her gaze fixated on you

"Yes Onee-San, did you need anything" Y/N curiously asks her older sister

Your older sister gestured for you come and sit on the bed while your sister sat in front of you on a chair. She looked serious and you could see it in her eyes, not lying it made you nervous as to what she had to say to you. Your bedroom door was closed since she did not want anyone entering

"Y/N, I have something to tell you, I found out that someone wants to adopt us, the family have filled out the adoption papers and are waiting for us to come with them" your older sister says, her voice laced with sadness

"Huh" was all that came out of your mouth when you heard that, what did she mean they got adopted? What does she mean they are waiting for us and what adoption papers?

So many thoughts ran through your mind as you were trying to process what was going on, tears threatening to escape your eyes, but you tried staying calm.

Entering the corridor to where your room was, Izana and Kakucho were walking, smiles plastered on their faces, excited for their play date outside the orphanage. But they froze when they heard shouting from your room.

Upon hearing this, they quickly sped through the corridor, they were nervous and worried because of the yells they heard, they were about to enter your room when they stopped, Izana's hand froze on the doorknob, Kakucho frozen in place too, when they heard what was being said inside.
What was being said?







You at this point broke down crying, so many emotions were going through your mind right now and you couldn't make sense any of it, the thought of leaving scares you, you don't wanna leave them, never.

Izana and Kakucho on the other hand, were shocked at what they heard, not realizing tears were slowly falling down their faces, is Y/N really gonna leave? N-No way, she would leave? W-Why does it hurt? Not being able to move the boys just stood there in shock.

The next thing they saw was the door slam open and Y/N running out while crying,
Your older sister, about to go after you, stopped in her tracks, eyes widening when she saw Izana and Kakucho stood there with tears in their eyes
Did they hear everything?

A next day, Y/N was sitting in her room, with a blank expression on her face, Izana and Kakucho walked in and the moment Y/N saw them she ran over to them and hugged them tightly, all was heard in the room was crying, both Izana and Kakucho tightened their grips around Y/N, trying to calm the girl down.

After some time, Y/N had calmed down and she found that the boys knew everything that happened yesterday.

Both boys managed to convince Y/N that whatever happens is for a reason and that Y/N should be happy they she is going to be part of a new family

"Why are you saying that"
"You guys and Onee-san are my only family"
"I don't want to leave"
"We still have so many adventure to go on, all of us together"
"Why... Why... Why..."

All these thought ran through your mind

There you were standing with your suitcases, with your older sister next to you, as you stared at the parked vehicle in front of you. Two women looking at you with smiles on their faces, warm smiles, but you thought nothing of it.

The next thing you knew was the black car driving away, the orphanage getting smaller and smaller until it was out of sight.

All that was ringing in your head was Izana's words

"Y/N we promise that we will always find you, no matter how far you go, no matter how long it takes us, we will always find you" says Izana as he gently placed a kiss on Y/N forehead
All three them hugged as tears were rolling down their eyes, not knowing this was ever going to happen

Izana and Kakucho were happy for you, though breaking inside, of course they would be you have been together for so long, the bond you three created was unbreakable.

What happens next, nobody would've thought that, nor you, nor your sister, could you really call this place your new home....
What kind of future awaits our protagonist? What is going to happen, will it change Y/N for the better or for the worst....

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