※※ Chapter 2: Promise ※※

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Two years have now passed, you have been at the orphanage for more than three years now, and guess who your close friends are? did you get it? That's right, you Izana and Kakucho were now inseparable, the three of you played together, had lunch together, had sleepover together, let's just say that day you met them, it changed your life and now you are more bubbly type of person, kind and gentle, but protective as well. The same goes for Izana and Kakucho as well, both of them are overprotective of you. You speak to other kids at the orphanage but you three were literally stuck together like glue, wherever they were you were, and wherever you were, they were.


It is currently snowing outside, yes it is Winter, your favourite season, why? because you get to dress up all nice and cozy, the warm cozy feeling when sitting inside drinking hot chocolate is something you just love. Of course, who can forget the snow, who doesn't love snow? you can build igloos, heck you can even build a snow castle, ooooh I forgot, you can make snow angels, who doesn't like a good snow angel.

Izana and Kakucho were waiting near the door, all bundled up with their coats, hats, scarfs, gloves and boots.

''COMEEE ONNNN LET'S GO OUTSIDE, IT'S SNOWING'' Y/N yelled whilst dragging the boys by their hands as you ran through the middle

''Y/N-chan you don't need to drag us, we can walk you silly'' Izana said whilst smiling at the girl dragging them with big smile plastered on there face. She is so cute

''Lets make a snow fort'' Kakucho yelled with sparkles in his eyes. awwww cute

''WUAH, YESSSS, LETS MAKE A FORT'' Y/N yelled back with as you jumped up and down, as excitement filled your body.

So then, you three got together and started devising a plan on how to make your snow fort, how big will it be? will it even stand up properly? who knows, will there be a snow cannon, bleh bleh you know, as the three kids devised a plan with sparkles in their eyes, a certain someone was watching the three, with a smile plastered on her face. Guess who?  dun dun dunnnnn. Your O/S, of course duh, who else?

She was smiling at the beautiful yet pure sight in front of her, she didn't realize tears were streaming down her face as she watched her little sister (aka Y/N) having all the fun, she was grateful that her little munchkin found friends who she deems them a part of her family already. Oh how she wishes to see her little sister always smiling like this, wanting and wishing the three of you to stay together and protect each other. Knowing Izana and Kakucho see her as an older sister figure, makes her smile and she will do anything she can in her power to make sure you three stay happy. what a heartwarming moment! *Sobs* quietly


Time skip to 25th December, YAYYYYYY CHRISTMAS. 🎄🎁🎀

Christmas is here and yesss, decorations filled your rooms, you were so happy and that you just wanted to give your present to Izana and Kakucho (only including Izana and Kakucho when they open their gifts, just assume that Y/N's O/S is happy when she opens her gift from you heheh)

''TIME TO OPEN YOUR PRESENTS'' Y/N yelled as the two boys came rushing into her room.

The other kids are opening their presents too as well as other fun Christmas activities going on, but since this is a private moment, lets just say that Y/N wants Izana and Kakucho to open their present where nobody can disturb the three of you.

''Open my present first, Please' Y/N said as you the boys took their respective presents, both having smiles plastered on their faces, as well as a hint of curiosity.

Guess what it is?

Come on guess, guess?

I'm sure your'e wondering what it is?

I'll give you a hint....

Its shiny....

Something you wear...

When Izana and Kakucho opened their present, their eyes widened, their smiles grew bigger....

'WE LOVE IT!!!!'' they both yelled in excitement as they engulfed Y/N into a big hug. ahhhh internally dying here

'Thank youuuu Y/N!!!!! '' They both yelled as Y/N smiled brightly

I wonder what it it is? hmmm

If your wondering, Y/N gave Izana and Kakucho necklaces, but not any type of necklace, Izana, Kakucho and Y/N all had one part of the full pendent attached to the necklace, so in other other words, there were three parts, when put together forming a single pendent (not sure if it makes sense but anyhoo). There is an engraving on the back when all three pieces are put together....

Guess what it is?

Together, Forever! Izana/Kakucho/Y/N (unless you want your name in between Izana's and Kakucho's, choice is yours!!

(I am not gonna include what Izana and Kakucho got for Y/N, You can use your imagination haha!!)

''Guys, can you promise me one thing'' Y/N asked as she looked at the boys

''Hmm, go on'' they both replied, waiting for you to continue

''Promise me that we will always stay by each other, not matter what, no matter how far we are from each other, we will always find each other, not matter how long it takes'' Y/N asked as you look at both boys with a serious look on your face.

There was a moment of silence, the two boys, stared at Y/N

''OF COURSE YOU DUMMY/SILLY'' The both of them replied back pulling you into a hug, both tightening their grip around you while stroking your hair. Of course, you also did the same. You did not realize but tears were rolling out of your eyes.

Izana and Kakucho both heard your sobs and broke the hug, when they saw how puffy your eyes were their eyes widened.

''OMG Y/N why are you crying you dummy'' Izana said while gently wiping the tears off your cheek with his thumbs. Kakucho on the other hand gently rubbing your back.

''Hehehe sorry, kinda got carried away I guess'' Y/N laughed while wiping the remaining tears off your face.

Both boys watched Y/N, seeing tears in your eyes was painful for them, never do they want to see tears in your eyes, Izana pulled Y/N into a hug and planted a gentle kiss on Y/N's forehead, whilst gently rubbing Y/N's back.

''This was supposed to be a happy day, you are not supposed to be crying'' Kakucho says as he shakes his head at how emotional Y/N can get, soon changing into a small smile.

After that emotional moment, you three went to the other kids and spent the rest of the day doing christmas activities. YAYAYAY.

They will stay together won't they...? _

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