※※ Chapter 58: Familiar Faces ※※

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The next day....

You were now awake, you had put on your outfit. Ankle high Trousers (I'm like obsessed with them haha 😂), sneakers, a jumper and a jacket on top. You decided to wear your mask too, since it was still chilly outside. You quickly ate breakfast and then headed out for the train station.

You were now on your way to Yokohama. You decided to text Ran that your were on your way.

Hey hey Ran, I'm on my way 😊

Mr Pigtails
Alohaaa, I can't wait😍 It been like forever since we saw each other 😔

Aww, did you miss me? 🙈

Mr Pigtails
Yes, yes I did ☺️ stay safe, Princess 💕 You sure you don't want us to pick you up from the station?

I'll be fine Ran, I can take care of myself, you know! 😋

Mr Pigtails
Yes yes, I know I know 😅 stop bragging!

😦 meanie!!

Mr Pigtails
Aww is Y/N sad now? 🤔

Do you want me to go back? 😑

Mr Pigtails
NO! You're meeting us here, you have no choice in this 😝

Whatever 🙄 I'll see you soon!!

Mr Pigtails

Hai hai, see youuu !! ❤️

So then, you got out of the train, you're not that familiar with Yokohama, so you popped in location of the place Ran said to meet them on your phone.It was a 15 minute walk from the station, talk about lucky.

You were walking with your hands in your pocket, since you memorized the route from the station. When you arrived, you noticed how beautiful the place was. You smiled as you walked your way over. You were now sat on the stone slab, admiring the lake in front of you. You were waiting for Ran and Rindou now, so you decided to close your eyes. You took your mask off too now as you let your scar breath.

You were startled when you felt someone's arms around you. You opened your eyes and saw Rindou. You immediately wrapped your arms around him too and smiled at him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" Rindou pouted as he tightened his grip around you.

"I missed you too Rin, soo much!!" You snuggled into him, causing him to chuckle.

You were then yanked out of his arms and met with another pair of arms wrapping around you. You of course knew who it was. Ran gently kissed your forehead as he tightened his grip around you. You wrapped your arms around his waist too.

How you missed these two goofballs!

"Sorry to keep you waiting, princess" Ran spoke

"No it's okay, I only got here a few minutes ago, so it's okay" you replied

"Oi, can you let her go, you ruined our hug!" Rindou yelled at Ran

"Nope!" Ran spun you around, moving away from Rindou.

Both Ran and and Rindou were fighting over you, you couldn't be bothered to deal with their childish behaviour so you just let them do what they were doing, even if you were being dragged back and forth. These two can just be too clingy at times. Not that you minded, it's just how these two were with you. Maybe sometimes too overprotective, but you can't blame them can you?

Unbeknownst to you, there were two pairs of eyes watching you interacting with the Haitani's. They were curious about who you were.

"Oh yeh, turn around, those two are ones we wanted to introduce to you" Ran spoke as he let go of you.

You then turned around and your eyes widened...your heart beating faster... you stood there frozen as you saw the two in front of you. The two looked at you with wide eyes too, how much they missed you. How much you missed them! All three of you were frozen as you stared at each other with wide eyes. Both Ran and Rindou noticed the sudden silence between you three.

Ran and Rindou's POV

"Do they know each other?

You hadn't realised but...

Tears were now flowing down your eyes

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Tears were now flowing down your eyes. Were you imaging things? They are right in front you... why can't your body move. Your lips started shaking as more tears were falling out your eyes. Your heart was aching, longing to see them... how long has it been? Far too long, it always felt like a piece of your heart was gone, it always felt empty... without these two. Now here they are ...right in front of you!

The two in front's POV

"We finally found you..."

"Izana...Kaku..." you whispered, with a shaky voice.

(Y'all I cried... 😭😭😭)

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