※※ Chapter 69: Where Is Y/N? Part 2 ※※

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You and Sana stayed over at Izana's apartment for a few days, Ran brought your's and Sana's clothes over from your apartment. You had let Mikey know your staying over at Izana's, Mikey didn't mind it.

Sana was sleeping between you and Izana, because she wanted to stay with her nee-chan and nii-chan. You were still asleep, Izana and Sana were awake and here they were watching you sleep. Both Izana and Sana smiled at you. Until Sana spoke up.

"Can we wake Y/N-nee-chan up?" Sana whispered

"How do you want to wake her up then Sana-Chan?" Izana whispered back

"Hmm, let's give her good morning kisses" Sana smiled, causing Izana to quietly chuckle

Sana and Izana both kissed your cheek, Sana was beaming with happiness. Izana gently stroked your hair as he admired your sleeping figure.

Your eyes fluttered open, and you saw two pairs of eyes smiling down at you. Your eyes were now fully open now, you were tackled by Sana as she layed down on top of you now wrapping her arms round your stomach. You and Izana both chuckled at her silly behaviour.

"Sana, if you don't get off, I won't be able to get up" you spoke as you poked her cheeks

"Aww, I want to stay here tho" she pouted

"Come on Sana-Chan, you can watch your nii-chan make breakfast" Izana spoke as he gently pulled Sana off of you.

The three of you had now finished breakfast, the others came by, but soon left with Izana, you knew dealing with gang stuff was hard. You were thinking of Mikey now. You kinda miss those doofuses, but then again you're still surrounded by 4 of them here hehe.

Time skip to 3pm

You and Sana were walking around Yokohama, since Sana wanted to go exploring. You and Sana had accidentally ended up in a less crowded area of Yokohama. You felt bad vibes from this place. You quickly turned around with Sana, since you're still not completely familiar with Yokohama, you ended up in area with an abandoned warehouse. You could see a group of people standing not far from you. They were delinquents you could tell that. It wasn't Tenjiku since you knew their uniform well. Someone from the crowd saw the two of you and yelled catching your attention.




Your eyes widened, you quickly grabbed Sana's hand and ran away. You could handle them perfectly well, but you didn't want Sana to get her hurt in anyway. So running was your best option right now. You couldn't let those bastards get her. You and Sana then ran and ran. You pulled Sana into a corner and bent down to her level.

"Sana, listen to me very carefully, you remember that place where me and your Izana-nii-chan told you about, if you ever get lost, go there and you will
find one of us."

"Right now, they should be home, they have probably realised we aren't home, so they'll come looking for us okay, quickly run to that place okay, and don't look back!"

Sana had tears coming out of her eyes. You could tell she was scared.

"I don't want to leave you" Sana said between sniffles

"I'll be fine okay, but it's not safe for you, go to the place we told you about and tell them what happened okay?"

"Can you do that for me?"

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