※※ Chapter 42: Will Y/N Wake Up? ※※

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After Bloody Halloween...

With Kazutora....

Draken decided to meet Kazutora. They are now sitting on either side of a white room.

"They told me to expect at least 10 years... I guess that's still less tho, given what I did..." Kazutora spoke while looking down.

"I wanna change myself properly... that's what Baji and Y/N taught me...

"Don't die. Kazutora" Ken spoke, causing Kazutora to widen his eyes.


"I know what you're thinking, you think that killing yourself is the only way out, but you're wrong. Both Baji and Y/N are waiting for you"

"...but what am I supposed to do now?" Kazutora spoke as tears came down

"How are Baji and Y/N" Kazutora spoke with pain in his voice

"Baji is awake...but... Y/N still hasn't woke up" Ken replied

Kazutora's eyes widened as more tears were flowing down his eyes now, he gritted his teeth.

"But..that tattoo... how tho?? Y/N? A murderer?" Kazutora asked unable to form words properly


"Kazutora, if you were in her spot at that time, what would you have done, if you found out that your only family got killed by the [Gang Name]" Ken answered as tears threatened to fall out of his eyes

Kazutora's heart dropped when he heard what Draken said

"H-huh?" Was all that came out of his mouth

"Since the secret is out, I might as well tell you what happened..." Ken sighed before he spoke

Then he told Kazutora everything about what happened from when you first encountered some members from the gang, to the night it happened, to
how you got your scar. How you got arrested cuz of it. Kazutora couldn't form any words at all, he sat there with tears flowing down his face, his heart was aching, knowing all this time that you were going through nothing but pain.

"She's changing Kazutora, we can all see it, she needs us all by her side... or else she really will end up losing it... and in the process we might end up losing her" Ken added, with pain and worry in his voice.

"So that's why I am telling you. Don't Die! Don't die for Y/N's sake!"

"Keep her safe for me, Draken" Kazutora pleaded as he looked at Draken in the eye.

"We will" Ken said while smiling

"Oh yeah, before I forget, I have a message from Mikey... "Kazutora is always apart of Toman, I forgive you"

To which Kazutora just had tears flowing down his face. Poor guy, he couldn't handle it anymore 😭

Now to the Meeting after the Battle....

The members of Toman were waiting for Mikey and Draken to start the meeting.

Mikey then enters standing on top of the stairs, however Hanma walks up behind him.

"Hanma?" Takemichi, now confused

"Today's meeting will be a bumpy one. We are here to conclude bloody Halloween" Ken announced

"Bloody Halloween. Valhalla's 300 vs Toman's 150. Despite an overwhelming disadvantage, each of you held your own, and claimed victory"

"Hanma Shuji, Vice Leader of Valhalla, the gang we defeated. He has a message for us about Valhalla"

"Hanma Shuji, from Valhalla. Valhalla has never had a leader. So in the wakes of our defeat we have decided to join under Toman's Banner"


"Someone helped join our gangs. It's thanks to them this is happening. Please step forward, Kisaki Tetta!! and Kisaki Aoi!!"

Takemichi's POV

"Kisaki and Aoi!!! They are taking over Toman!! At this rate, Toman is gonna turn into an evil organisation!!"

"There is one more thing we have to discuss" Mikey announced

"Though we gained much from Bloody Halloween. There is also something we lost. First Division Captain, Baji Keisuke and Toman's 3rd Commander, L/N Y/N we're badly injured that day. Baji Keisuke is awake now...but there is no saying when L/N Y/N will wake up." Mikey's voice laced with pain as he had a sad expression plastered on his face

"We must reflect on this deeply and take it seriously" he further added

"There's no way Y/N is gonna bite the dust"

"She's strong"

"Yeah, she won't give up"

So many Toman members were speaking about you, though they found out who you were, that didn't bother them, they knew just exactly how strong you were. Mikey and Ken both had a sad smile written on their faces as they thought about you. Not just them but the other Division Captains were feeling guilty they couldn't protect you 😭😭 (okay my heart is hurting now)

Mikey's POV
Y/N-chin you're not leaving us again, I will make sure that never happens. We need you! And you need us! So please wake up and come back!


During the Meeting, at the Hospital, Ran and Rindou went to see you...

Ran and Rindou, walked through your door, their heart ached when they saw you sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. You had a oxygen mask attached, you had cords attached to your hand and a few attached to your stomach, you had a bandage wrapped around your head, and one on your lower stomach (shit! I can't write this, it hurts 😭 I feel so
bad, the amount of damage Iv inflicted on y'all's bodies is too much, but it's for the story so please bear with)

Ran and Rindou then sat in either side of the bed, as they watched you. They were in pain watching you lying still, how they want to hear your voice, how they want to hug you tightly, just how they want you to wake up.

Ran then gently held your arm and he stared at the tattoo, it was a beautiful tattoo, but a painful past was attached to it. They also noticed the moon tattoo on your wrist. Ran them gently caressed the snake tattoo with his thumb as tears were falling down his eyes.

Both Ran and Rindou were holding your hands now.

"Come on Y/N, wake up man. How long are you gonna sleep?" Rindou's voice was in pain.

"How long are you gonna make us wait? Please hurry and wake up, we wanna hear your voice..." Ran now spoke, as he gently rubbed your hand with his thumb
"Y/N, do you remember when you first met us, you twisted my arm... that really hurt you know! I honestly thought you would've snapped it off hehe. We then told you that we found you interesting, so we tagged along with you. We still do find you interesting..." Ran voice now trailed off as he tried to stop his tears.

"We don't care if you're "The Phantom", we know you have your own reason for what you did... but that will never change what we think of you... it never has Y/N. We...just want you back, we love you no matter what you are. Our views on you will never change... So please wake up, we need you here...!" Rindou added, as tears were falling down his eyes.

(I'm crying 😭)

So, it was like this for almost two weeks, both Toman and The Haitani's would come visit you everyday, talk to you, bring you gifts, hoping for you to wake up. But you hadn't woken up. It was suffocating them.

Mikey and the others were surprised to see the Haitani's there, wondering how you even knew them. But they never questioned it.

So then....when will Y/N wake up?

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