※※ Chapter 50: I'm From The Future ※※

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The Mizo Mid Five and Chifuyu were at Takemichi's house.

"Still to think the Black Dragons would shatter the balance..."

"Yeah...things are gonna get rough"

"The higher ups are definitely gonna get involved, considering Y/N-San almost got hit too"

"If we get into a fight with the Black Dragons, it's not gonna be like anything we've dealt with before, these guys are known for their active fighting faction, the killer squad"

"The Black Dragons have been the top delinquent gang in Kanto for Generations. And the 10th Gen Black Dragons are the most maniacal and evil"

"That's because of one thing alone. Their absolute leader Shiba Taiju. Under Taiju, the Black Dragons completely changed, uniforms redone, and were trained like an army"

"Unlike your typical delinquent, Taiju sells his violence. He's not your typical bruiser. He's got ties to the rich and wealthy, in exchange for his military force"

However Takemichi....

"I'll settle this on my own"

"Takemitchy, come with me real quick"

So then Takemichi and Chifuyu go on a ride until.....

"Chifuyu, I get it, you're gonna tell me not to take this on by myself aren't you?"

"I know you wanna say my your friends are here for you, BUT!!"



"Haha, I didn't call you out to tell you this man. Just have fun with this"

So then, Takemichi then tells Chifuyu about how he came from the Future, literally everything, his he came to save Hina, how Kisaki and Aoi are the enemy to how you and Mikey turned evil. Chifuyu was shocked but...

"Somehow, I always knew, thinking back on it, there's a lot that's off about you. There have been times where you looked different"


(Chifuyu I love you 😍)

Takemitchy's POV

"Telling Chifuyu was the right choice"

"But... to think Y/N and and Mikey-Kun would end up evil... is something I can't accept, even more so the fact that Kisaki and Aoi are behind it" Chifuyu spoke, with a little hint of disgust at the end

"Y/N is trying her best to stay sane, right now, it's difficult for her. What's making it worse is the fact that people are after her now, since "The Phantom" has returned"

"Takemitchy, we have to keep Mikey and especially Y/N away from them both, We've already lost Y/N before, we CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN"

"Yeah... PARTNER"

"That's right...PARTNER"

"That future sure pisses me off"

"Kisaki, Aoi... I'll kill them"

(I will gladly help you man)

"But we can't right now, As 3rd Division Captain and Vice - Captain, they have 100 men under their command and not to mention, there is a sixth division containing former Valhalla members"

"We'll curb stomp the Black Dragons, Kisaki and Aoi, I don't care who, I've got your back all the way"

"That's my answer to you Takemitchy, for telling me everything. Let's make this happen...Partner"


Somewhere in the city.....

You and Baji were out for a ride in his bike, Baji of course heard about what happened with you, Takemitchy and The Black Dragons. He was pissed off. You had your head rested in his back, whilst your arms wrapped around his waist. The cool air, brushing against your face, sent shivers down your spine, well considering it was getting colder.

"Baji, can we stop over for a minute?" You asked

Baji, then parked his bike over to the side, it was night time, so it made you feel at peace. You went and sat down on the grass, and watched the view ahead of you. Baji then came and sat next to you. He patted your head, as he sat down.

"You okay?" He asked worriedly
"Baji... I don't know what I'm doing anymore... I don't even know where I'm headed. No matter how hard I try, this heart keeps hurting"

"Help me fix it... please" you voice was in pain, you hadn't realised it but tears were flowing down your eyes

"But I don't even know if it can be fixed... haha" you chuckled as you stared at the view in front, wiping a few tears.

Baji's heart was hurting, seeing you break down was painful for him. All Baji could do was pull you into a tight hug. His tears eventually fell down too, but he wiped them away. His gently rubbed your back. He could feel your body trembling, as he felt this he tightened his grip around you.

"Just let it out... please Y/N " his voice sounded desperate

"I can't see you like this Y/N, so please, break down and let it all out" he added, pain lacing his voice

"I might have ran out of tears... I don't even know what to feel anymore, it feels empty inside Baji... I honestly don't even know... I think I really might end up losing it" you spoke, nothing but paid could be heard from your voice.

"You're strong Y/N, you know that and so do I, it's okay to be weak at times" he said as he smiled

"You don't need to go through it on your own, you have us for a reason... we will always be there for you."

"Nobody is gonna hurt my Y/N, not on my watch, we have to protect you for Kazutora too, right? So just please, never think you're alone, cuz we will never let that happen." He said as he gently kissed your forehead.

You closed your eyes and you let warm tears flow down your face, you tightened your grip around him. You always felt safe with them, but if you ever completely changed, you don't want them near you.

Your POV

"Forgive me Baji, I don't know what's gonna happen in the future. You guys are too precious to me, I will always love you guys, no matter what happens. I just hope you will forgive me if I ever become a "monster"

You and Baji stayed there for some time, eventually, you went home since it was getting late. But Baji was worried about you, he had a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He just hoped he is wrong. He didn't want to image what could happen in the future.

But who knows right? nobody knows what will happen in the future....

Will Y/N ever get better?

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