※※ Chapter 76: Kisaki's Targetting Who?! ※※

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You were lying on the grass at the lakeside on your own, the weird feeling you had kept getting bigger, and it was making you anxious as to what those two were planning. You needed to calm down so here you were. The gentle breeze flowing gently. You were interrupted by your phone buzzing. You opened your eyes, and checked the caller ID. It was Izana, you immediately sat up.

-On call-

'Hey Izana...''

You had hung up the phone and your eyes were wide in shock.

The words of Izana were ringing in your head...

"Kisaki and Aoi are targeting Emma, Mikey's sister!"

You knew these bastards were up to something, but to think they were going after Emma was surprising to you. So this is how they plan on getting back huh?

You didn't know if you should tell Mikey, he needs to know. Your head was hurting from all that thinking. You just decided to call Mikey to the park. You had to tell him!

You were waiting for Mikey to come to the park, you were sat on the swings, until you heard footsteps. You looked up and saw Mikey walking up to you.

"What did you need to tell me Y/N-Chin, your voice sounded worried on call?" Mikey spoke as he sat down


"Kisaki and Aoi are targeting Emma" you spoke as you hung your head low

Mikey's eyes widened in shock at your words.

"They're targeting who?!" He almost yelled in disbelief

"Izana told me.." you spoke as you gritted your teeth

"Where is Emma now, Mikey?" As your eyes widened wondering where she is


"Mikey? Hello... Mikey are you listening to me!?" You spoke as you waved your hand in front of his face

"Huh?" He said snapping out of his thoughts

"I said where is Emma now." Your voice was cold


"She's out shopping......She's with Hina-Chan and Yuzuha....OH!" Mikey cursed as his eyes widened in fear

"That's a perfect chance for them to strike! DAMN IT!!" You spoke in a panic

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now