※※ Chapter 64: Mikey and Y/N Fighting...? ※※

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It's been over a week now, since you last saw Sana, Mikey and the others have been doing their best to keep her away from you. However, it was never easy. Not after the fact that this little girl had started liking you, ever since you beat up the four that were chasing her, this little girl looked up to you, she saw someone warm inside, someone she could feel safe with. But, of course she felt safe with the guys too, they would tell her stories, play with her, buy her food, anything to keep her distracted from mentioning YOU. But she saw an older sister in you. Someone who had this protective aura surrounding themselves.

It seemed fate had another idea in mind. Sana just couldn't get you out of her mind, she would always ask the guys, where you were. It was becoming harder for Mikey and the others to think of excuses. They knew how hard it was for you. But Sana was missing you so much, it was driving them crazy.

The guys were all at Musashi Shrine, Sana of course was with them too. I mean where else will she go? They couldn't bring her back to the orphanage. So they became her Legal guardians. Everyone's parents gave consent to this, after hearing what the little one has been through, so they allowed it.

''Mikey, do you really think this is a good idea?'' Mitsuya asked, worried of what your reaction will be when you come.

''What else do you want me to do? Take Sana-Chan back?'' Mikey asked irritated


''You know very well what we mean Mikey'' Baji spoke up

''How long can we keep this up though! Do you think I'm finding this easy!'' Mikey's voice getting louder

The others eyes slightly widened at Mikey's sudden change in volume.

You, Koko and Inui were on your way to meet up with the others at the shrine. You were walking up the stairs, your eyes widened when you saw a certain individual.

Sana's eyes widened in happiness, when she finally saw you. She jumped out of Chifuyu's lap and ran straight for you, wrapping her arms around your waist. The others noticed her sudden happy behaviour, their eyes widened at the person she hugged. It was you.

''Where did you go? Sana missed you so much'' Sana tightening her grip around your waist, while pouting.

Koko and Inui both noticed your body starting to shake, they looked down at the girl, sad expressions made their way onto their faces. You stood there staring at Mikey with a blank expression plastered on your face. You could feel Sana's tight grip around you. For a small being, she sure did have a strong grip.

''Koko, get her off please'' You whispered quietly

''Get her away from me please...'' Your voice started to shake as you kept staring at Mikey.

The others frowned at your behaviour, they knew you were probably pissed, and hurting. Koko then got down to the girl's level and tried to pull her away from you. But it was proving to be difficult.

''Sana-Chan, please let Y/N go'' Koko tried pulling her off, but she only tightened her grip around you

''NO!! I WANT TO STAY WITH Y/N-nee-chan!!'' Sana yelled as she clinged onto you

You stood there, not doing anything, until you spoke...

''Sana, get off me. now'' Your voice was stern

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