※※ Chapter 60: "My Hero" ※※

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A few days later...

You were meeting up with Baji, Mikey and Ken. You three were gonna spend the day together. You told them about your childhood friends, how you finally met them after so long. Seeing you happy was heart warming for the three, all they ever want is to see you smile. That smile of yours is really precious to them.

So here you were, walking through the streets, with the three of them. You walking with Baji at the front, Ken and Mikey at the back.

You and Baji were chatting about, Mikey and Ken smiled at the scene infront of them

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You and Baji were chatting about, Mikey and Ken smiled at the scene infront of them.

''Y/N-Chin, looks so happy, right Kenchin?'' Mikey smiling while looking ahead

''Yeah...I just wanna see her like that. Always'' Ken replied


''You know, when I first met Y/N-Chin, I remember it really well, we said that we're going to protect each other, no matter what. Do you think I did a good job at it?'' Mikey now had a sad smile on his face

Ken glanced at Mikey and then back to you in front. He smiled

''You did do a good job Mikey, and Y/N is aware of that very well, so don't worry.'' Ken replied

''Whatever has happened over the last few months, wasn't pleasant I know, but Mikey, we just have to be there for Y/N when she needs us. We cannot leave her alone ever.'' He added

''You got that right, It seems like Y/N-Chin's protection squad has gotten bigger'' Mikey chuckled

''Koko, Inui, The Haitani's and now Y/N-Chin's childhood friends" Mikey spoke, causing Ken to chuckle

You and Baji were bickering about ahead. To annoy you, Baji flicked your forehead and ran off.


"Bajiii!!!! You asshole, get back!!" You yelled causing Ken and Mikey to laugh at the two of you.

You then ran after Baji, and jumped on his back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He stumbled, but regained his balance.

"I demand a piggyback ride now" you ordered

"Ah? No way, you're too heavy Y/N, get off!!" Baji spoke back

He was now trying to shake you off, but you're a stubborn one, so you just tightened your grip around him. Buuuutt eventually Baji gave up and just gave you a piggyback ride to the cafe.

''You're lucky I love you, you idiot, you should be grateful" Baji pouted, causing you to poke his cheek

"Aww, should I?" You joked

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