※※ Chapter 65: Will Mikey and Y/N Make Up? ※※

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After the argument...

You ran down the stairs, your body was shaking now, you ran off to god knows where, you just wanted to go away from everyone. You couldn't handle it anymore. Why does stuff like this keep happening? Will you ever be happy?

You ran past people, you didn't even care about the traffic on the road. You crossed roads without even checking. You just needed to go somewhere far away!

You hadn't realised but you ran past Koko. Inui went to get ice cream for Sana, so Sana tagged along, but Koko stayed back. His eyes widened when he saw you run past. He jolted up from his seat, he wanted to go after you! But he couldn't, Inui and Sana were on their way back. Koko's heart pained as he saw your figure rapidly disappear

Koko's POV

"What the hell happened back there?"

At this point Koko was getting restless, he knew something big happened between you and Mikey. His heart felt uneasy at the thought of it.

You found yourself at the top of a hill, you could see the city from the height. The place itself was quite lonely, perfect for you right? Just the place you needed. No cars, no people, no noise, no nothing!

When you reached the top, you let everything out, all your emotions that you kept bottled up, everything was let out. Your painful screams were only heard by you. Your heart was hurting so much, you had no idea what to do. You just wanted this pain to go away.

"DAMN IT!!!!!" You held your head in pain




"Why did you leave me....? Why....?"

"I need you so much..."

"I got into a fight with Mikey, I don't know what I'm doing anymore, It hurts."

"Help me please..."


Almost two weeks had passed by...

After what happened, you distanced yourself from everyone, you didn't bother speaking to anyone. You couldn't deal with it anymore. You hoped nobody would find you, you didn't want to see anyone. Izana, Kaku, The Haitani's, Koko and Inui all found out what happened between you and Mikey. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Now, you were out there all alone, by yourself, hurting, probably not even caring about your own health. Such thoughts pained them

You were sat near a lake somewhere, sitting on grass. You were staring ahead, places like this brought you peace. You eyes looked tired, your face pale. You really don't take care of yourself do ya?

Your thoughts interrupted when...


You took out your phone and sighed...

100+ missed calls

100+ unread messages

(I kept the numbers low, I didn't want to exaggerate the numbers, but yeah, you're just straight up ignoring them).

You switched off your phone and put it back into your pocket. You then took out your pill bottle...





You felt your arm being grabbed, the next thing you knew the bottle being taken out of your hand.
You looked up and saw Sanzu and Izana. Your eyes widened in horror, you've been avoiding them this whole time, yet they still managed to find you. Your heart ached.

Only Sanzu knew of this secret. Now Izana knows too. What would he think of you now?

"Haru you idiot, you told him didn't you?" You yelled at him

"I didn't say anything Y/N, we bumped into each other while trying to find you, then we saw you sitting here" Sanzu said worriedly, seeing you almost chug down 4 pills 💊

"Sanzu...can you leave me with Y/N for a bit, I'll make sure to bring her home" Izana spoke up

"Sure" Sanzu replied whilst taking the pill bottle from Izana.

Sanzu then bent down to your level, since you were sitting down and gently placed a kiss on your forehead. He then got up and made his way back, whispering something to Izana.

You had tears falling down your face now.

"Don't let her do anything more stupid" Sanzu pleaded, to which he nodded

You were then met with a pair of arms wrapping around you. Izana could feel you trembling. He gently brought to back to his chest as he rested his chin on your head. He was rocking you gently side to side.

"I won't ask you why you're taking drugs Y/N, I know why... and I also know you won't stop."

"But...please stop destroying your own body"

"Do you how much we looked for you, I was scared...that I might lose you again" Izana's voice was shaky

"I understand what happened between you and Mikey was awful, it was hurtful I know that, but destroying your body isn't the way Y/N"

"Please come back to us, we miss the old Y/N"

Your heart ached hearing Izana's words, your change was hurting everyone, you know that, whatever pain you were going through, left an impact on the others. You know exactly how much these guys love you...but you've already sunk into darkness, you just didn't know how get out.

What if you never met anyone... maybe all this pain will disappear...then maybe you wouldn't have lost your sister...yeah that's right... this is your fault... if only you hadn't existed in anyone's life...the all will be well...right? Am I right aren't I?

You turned around and buried yourself into Izana's embrace, no matter how much you wanted to push everyone away...you couldn't....WHY?!!!....why was this so hard for you... all you had to do was go somewhere far away...so why is it that they always find you... you don't want them to hurt because of you...so pushing them away is the only chose isn't it?


Izana's eyes had tears coming out, he tightened his grip around you, comforting you as much as possible. You are slowly fading away, that's what it seems like to everyone else...will you eventually lose yourself completely...will whatever they do ever work?

You and Izana stayed like this for a while. Soon, Izana stopped hearing your sobs. He looked down at your pale face and noticed you had fallen asleep. He gently placed a kiss on your forehead. He then took you home. The others found out from Sanzu that he found you. A huge sigh of relief washed over them. But Sanzu told them that Izana is taking care of you for now. They all understood. But...they were still hurting. Your condition and mental state was getting worse. They had to do everything they could to save you.

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