※※ Chapter 67: Surprise!! ※※

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It was a warm and sunny day outside, puffy clouds floating through the blue sky. Sounds of birds could be heard. The suns rays shining through your room. Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with warmth from the sun's rays. Sleeping next to you, was Sana. Sleeping peacefully, you smiled at her. You pinched her chubby cheeks, accidentally waking her up.

''Sorry to wake you up Sana'' You pouted

''Y/N-nee-chan doesn't need to apologize, Sana doesn't mind at all'' She smiled at you.

''Come on, let's get up'' You slowly pulling the covers off of you both

Sana and you then made your way over to the bathroom, you both brushed your teeth together, after you were done, you both got dressed and now you were making breakfast for you both. Sana, of course sat on the counter top, watching you cook the delicious food. You both had now finished eating.

The door bell rang, you went and opened the door, revealing Emma, Hina and Yuzuha. Sana came running to them, jumping on them, and hugging them.

''Nice to see too Sana-Chan'' Emma chuckled as she and Hina patted her head

''You have no idea how much this little one has been bugging me, about seeing you three'' You chuckled

''Awww, did Sana-chan miss us that much'' Yuzuha smiled as she ruffled Sana's hair

''Yesss, Sana missed you soooooo much'' Sana pouted

After they were done hugging Sana, you were now engulfed in a big hug from the three, well you of course stumbled back, so all of you fell down. You all ended up laughing at each other.

You all were going shopping today!!

''Is everyone ready?'' You asked

''Yes, Ma'am'' They all teased

''Ew, stop calling me that'' You laughed

You all were outside, the girls were waiting near the car, while you were locking the door. You turned around and you smiled when you saw Mikey, Baji, Sanzu and Draken. They were there for a reason (You will find out later on haha 😅🤐) But yeah, the others are also coming too, but they will come later on. All I will say is preparations have began....

Sana saw them and being the excited little goofball she is, she ran over to them and hugged them.

''Sana-Chan sure is happy today'' Sanzu chuckled

''What a little cutie'' Mikey smiled as he ruffled her hair.


''Sanzu-nii-Chan, are you and Y/N-nee-chan twins?''

''What do you mean, Sana?'' You asked confused as you and Sanzu looked at each other.

''You both have scars, so you're twins aren't you?''

Sana asked ever so innocently, the others all chuckled at her cute behaviour. Sana why you doing this? stop being so cute 😭💞💖

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