※※ Chapter 66: Acceptance ※※

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A lot of stuff had happened, you meeting a little girl who reminded you of your sister, you and Mikey getting into a fight, Izana finding out you take drugs (as a coping mechanism)...fun times right?

Two weeks had passed now, you and Mikey had made up, both of you apologised for your behaviour towards each other. Izana promised you he wouldn't tell anyone about what he found out. So yeah now he and Sanzu knows, but you trust both of them, so you're not worried.

Izana and Kaku have told you that it's getting busy with Tenjiku, and meeting you will become a lot difficult. They were of course worried, I mean who wouldn't be. But they also know the fact that you're safe with Toman, they know you will be protected. Mikey had already promised them.

So yeah.... Things seemed to be settling down, Sanzu kept your drug addiction (well I wouldn't say addiction but you know😅) in check, which of course we were grateful for. Yourmental state seemed to get better (sort of) but anywaysss...

There was ONE problem... Can you guess?

It was Sana... she just wouldn't leave you alone. You were trying your best to not be rude to her, but the little clingy goofball, just didn't want to leave.

You were out with Baji and Chifuyu. You were on your way home when you heard your name being called. You knew immediately who it was.

"Oh no..." you sighed

You were met with Sana's tight grip around your waist. You looked down at her, but your face, blank as ever. You saw Mikey running over in a panic.

"Y/N-nee-chan, why won't you come to see me?" Sana's voice saddened

"Did Sana do something wrong?" She asked

Your eyes widened when you heard her. What could you possibly tell her. Your chest tightened as felt her grip getting stronger. You looked down at her and spoke....

"Why do you like me so much Sana?" You asked as you looked at her with a blank expression

"hmmm" Sana lets go and puts on her thinking face

"Because you're my hero" she beamed a smile

Your heart hurt when you heard those words, it was exactly what your sister said to you. You were her hero. You stood there with wide eyes as tears began to fall down.

She looked like her

She talked like her

Everything Sana did, reminded you of your sister.

You covered your mouth as more tears began to fall. Mikey, Baji and Chifuyu watched with pain.

Sana's eyes widened when she saw you cry, she immediately pulled you down by your hand, your face was right infront of hers now. She gently wiped the tears off your face.

"Y/N-nee-chan, please don't cry, if you cry then it will make Sana sad" Sana spoke as she had a sad expression on her face

You just stared at her, your heart was hurting, her words were ringing in your ears. Your head started to hurt as memories came rushing back in to your mind. You eventually wiped youre tears and spoke...

"What if you stay with me and you get hurt?" You asked carefully

"Sana will never get hurt, because you saved Sana before, so you're not a bad person. You will save Sana" Sana spoke with a big smile

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