※※ Chapter 70: Back At The Hospital ※※

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A few days had passed since you got admitted to the hospital. You still hadn't woke up. An oxygen mask, bandages on your head, stomach, and thighs (talk about deja vu). The boys were exhausted, Sana was exhausted. They wanted you to wake up. Izana felt extremely guilty, you got hurt because of them... 😭 Because you were hanging out with Tenjiku.

Ran and Rindou were having it the worst, their hearts aching in pain. They had already gone through the torture of seeing you bandaged up at the hospital, now they have to see it again. No wonder they were hurting the most. None of them could deal with it. They didn't care how many enemies they made, same goes for Toman, but never do they want to see you hurting because of them.

But have you ever blamed them...? Could you ever blame them...? No of course not, you already knew, once people found out who you were, they'd come after you, they'd come after ''The Phantom''.

In fact you were blaming yourself, because you didn't want the others to get hurt because of you. The fact that people are after you, made the guys a target too. And you did not want this at all.

So here you were, sleeping peacefully in a room that has become your second home, all that could be heard was the heart monitor.

*dun dun*

*dun dun*

Sana was exhausted, so here she was lying on your stomach holding you tight. She was fast asleep (poor baby). Ran and Rindou sleeping on the sofas. They tried to get Sana off your body, but she wouldn't give in, she just wanted to be with you. So they gave up in the end.

Izana and Kaku walked in the room, and seeing you lying still on the bed, caused their heart to sting. Those bastards really went for it, they dared to hurt you. Of course they were gonna deal with them. Making them go through more pain. Bastards deserved it!! Give them a taste of their own medicine.😤

Kaku tried to gently pull Sana off of you, but it was proving to be difficult. Ran had woken up and saw Izana and Kaku struggling to get her off. He walked over to them.

''Her grip is too tight around Y/N, we tried to get her off too, but she wouldn't let us'' Ran frowned

''Help us get Sana off, it's only gonna hurt Y/N, her body is already weak as it is, and we have to be careful of the bandages'' Izana pleaded

So then, they finally pulled Sana off, without waking her up. Kaku took Sana to the sofa and laid her down on top of him. Gently stroking her hair. Izana and Ran sat on the chairs on either side of the bed. Izana gently held your hand, rubbing circles on your hand. The covers were put up to your waist, your stomach was exposed, meaning the bandage was too. Ran rubbed his thumb on your exposed skin, being as gentle as he could. You already had previous scars on your stomach, his heart was aching seeing more wounds on your stomach now. His thumb gently brushing over them.

''Her skin feels so soft, despite having so many scars'' Ran spoke with a sad expression plastered on his face.



''Do you think this is what Toman feels too when Y/N gets hurt, it probably hurts them as much it hurts us.'' Izana spoke up, glancing over at your stomach while still rubbing his thumb on your hand.

''Why is it that, despite having so many people protecting her, she always ends up hurt?! Why can't it just stop, seeing more wounds on her body is scary'' Izana added as his voice was getting shaky, tears threatening to come out.

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