※※ Chapter 43: Tears Of Joy ※※

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2 weeks had passed now.

Baji was the only one sitting beside you in your room. His eyes looked tired...was he getting enough sleep? was he eating properly? probably not, considering what happened. Was Baji angry at you, for the fact that you took the stab when it was for himself? Was he feeling guilty now?




Baji was sat there, holding your hand in his, gently caressing it with his thumb.

''Y/N, you idiot, it's been two weeks now...can you hurry and wake up.''

''You told me not to do anything stupid, but...what did you end up doing?...wasn't that stupid too?''

''Everyone is waiting for you, so, you better wake up dumb ass, stop making us wait any longer''

Tears were now flowing from his eyes. Before you knew it, Baji broke down 😭😢. Time had passed and he eventually fell asleep with his head rested on the bed, still holding your hand.

With You.

You saw white everywhere. Were you dead? Were you alive? Where were you? You looked around you and this place seemed to have no end to it, you kept walking and walking trying to find your way around. Your eyes caught something. When realization got to you, your eyes widened, tears falling down your eyes as you stared at the two figure, smiling sweetly at you.

''Onee-San? Big bro Shin?''

You ran to them, but you didn't seem to get any closer, your heart was beating faster and faster, it was hurting.

''Why can't I touch you?'' You yelled

''Please come back!!''

''Don't leave me please...''

You then stopped as you tried to catch your breath. You looked in front of you and a few feet away from you were, your sister and Shin, smiling at you, there was a mist like substance covering their legs.

''Am I dead, Onee-San?'' You asked

''Hmm, no. You're currently standing at the border between life and death.'' She replied

''You see that line there, that's the border separating you from us'' Shin added as he pointed to the faint line on the floor infront of you.

You looked down at it and was about to cross it, you wanted to see your sister and Big bro Shin so badly... until...

''Y/N STOP!'' Your sister spoke

''Huh? Why?'' You asked panicking

''If you step over that line, then you really won't be able to return to Mikey and the others'' She added

''Do you really want to leave them Y/N?'' Shin further added, as he had a small smile on his face.

''What do you mean? Do you have any idea how much I missed you both, it hurts not seeing you both everyday, Mikey needs you Big bro Shin.'' You said as tears were flowing down your face.

''But we're always with you both'' Shin replied

''Y/N please think about this carefully, once you step over, you will never be able to return'' Your sister spoke now

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now