※※ Chapter 8: The Sano Household ※※

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The Sano Household was not what you expected, well what I am trying to say is that your expectation was betrayed in a good way. Don't understand what I mean?

Well what I mean is that chaos did not cross your mind when you thought of the Sano's, particularly when when that chaos was caused by non other than Mikey and Emma themselves, you on the other hand of course didn't mind, in fact you got pretty accustomed to it, even you got involved in that chaos (I mean you are kids after all right?).

While Mikey and Emma were chasing each other around the house, Emma on the other hand was trying to hide behind you, using you as a shield and there was Mikey, who was dragging you forward to get Emma.

The older Sano, eldest Sano and your older sister watching the scene in amusement that's unfolding before there eyes.
A few chuckles could be heard from the eldest Sano, earning chuckles from Shin and your older sister.

In fact all three of them were glad how the three of you got along, I mean who wouldn't hehe.

Of course it was a funny scene, you were practically stuffed between them and you were trying to force your away out, but to no luck. It was now you being dragged back and forth from both Mikey and Emma. Were they fighting for you? Haha who knows.

"Wait wait wait!! Can you stop pulling meeee!!"

"Y/N-chin is MY friend so back off"

"Excuse me, Y/N-Chan is MY friend, you back off"

"Oi are you two trying to break me in half"


"NUH UH, you let go of Y/N"


The three older ones couldn't help but laugh at the scene, the scene in front of them was a sight to behold, Fighting over Y/N-Chan... who's going to win?

"Should we stop them?" Whispered your older sister

"Haha no let them be, this is quite amusing to watch, I need popcorn ugh" replied Shin, earring a small slap to his head by his grandpa and a chuckle from
your older sister.

"OKAY THAT'S IT, STOPPPPPP!!!!" Y/N yelled causing everyone to stop and look at you.

Both Mikey and Emma were watching you but their grip was still on your arms.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arms. Now" you said in a low voice causing the two flinch and let go of your arms.

Mikey and Emma's POV 

''Y/N-Chin/Chan looks scary''

"Good, now YOU TWO. SIT!" You said in and authoritative voice

Mikey and Emma stood there staring at your sudden change in behaviour, but eventually did as you said.

You were standing in front of them with your arms folded as you looked at Mikey and Emma, your presence in front of them made them swallow a lump in their throat.

"Do I look like a toy that you can toss back and forth? "

Both shook their heads

"Do I look like shield?"

Both shook their heads

"Do my arms look stretchy to you?"

Both shook their heads

"No right, Then. Tell. Me. Why. You. Two. Did. Not. Listen. To. Me. When. I. Asked. You. To. Stop?"

Shin, your older sister, Mikey and Emma sweat dropped at your question, you had an intimidating aura surrounding you.

"Sorry?" Mikey spoke

"Huh, that's not answering the question, plus are you asking me or telling me that?" You spoke back with your eyes piercing their souls.

"I am still waiting here" you added

Mikey and Emma sat there looking at you unable to form words

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" you started laughing out of nowhere.

"Omg your reactions were priceless" you were now on the floor laughing your ass off, trying to wipe the odd tear that escaped.

Mikey and Emma had mouths open as they blinked trying the comprehend what you just did.

The next thing you knew was you being tickled be both Emma and Mikey, as part of their revenge on you for scaring the living daylights of them with your superb acting there.

"Okay okay p-please s-stop...." you trying to catch your breath back.

2 days later

"Awww does Y/N-chin have to go so soon?" Mikey says while pouting, earning a pout from Emma too.

"Mikey, Emma, you know they have to find a place to live don't they, and plus it's not like Y/N-chan won't come and play with you both right?" Shin spoke as he ruffled Mikey and Emma hair.

"Big bro Shin is right, I'll always come back and play with you both hehe... You can come and visit me too right, so stop sulking or imma slap you two" Y/N answered back earning chuckles from the three older ones.

Mikey and Emma's POV
"Y/N-Chan/Chin is adorable when she is feisty... hehe

After that Y/N and your older sister said their goodbyes and where off too find a place to stay

You two found a three bedroom apartment (choice of exterior and interior is up to the reader)

"WAHHHHHHHH" Both Emma and Mikey say at the same time with sparkles in their eyes while they admire the apartment.

"Ne ne, you like it right? Cool isn't it?" Y/N replied back with sparkles in her eyes too.

Y/N then drags Mikey and Emma to show them the apartment, showcasing every inch of her new house. Okay you're not really a show off but let's just have the kids have fun right?!

The apartment itself wasn't high tech, both you and your sister liked minimalism, you loved simplicity.

After a few hours of chatting, everyone had now finished their dinner, it was now time for the three Sano siblings to head back home...

Ahhhhhh I wonder what tomorrow will behold... your thoughts as you slowly drift off into a deep slumber...

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