※※ Chapter 54: Y/N...Explain ※※

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The next morning...

You slowly fluttered your eyes open, you could feel someone arms around you, upon opening your eyes fully, you were met with Sanzu's sleeping face in front of you. Your headache seemed to have disappeared, but your body still felt weak. You stared at Sanzu's face for a good few minutes, admiring his face, particularly his lashes and two scars on either side of his mouth. Your hand then slowly went up to his scars, your thumb gently caressing them, you always admired his scars. You then pouted

"How can someone be this beautiful?" You whispered as your thumb was caressing his scars


"Like what you see, princess"

You were startled when you heard his voice. Was he awake this whole time? Sanzu slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you.

"Yeah, I do" you replied with a closed eye smile

Sanzu chuckled at your cute behaviour. Sanzu tends to tease you like this, you know it was just his way of being with you. You never minded it, you joined in the teasing with him. (How cute are they😭)

"Haru, but seriously tho, your scars are absolutely beautiful, if I wanted to I could stare at them the whole day" you added


"Haru?" He asked surprised

"Hm? Yeah... well I mean if you don't wan-"

"No, I like it" he chuckled cutting you off

Sanzu's POV

"Y/N, you're killing my heart"

"But I'm only allowing you to call me that then" he added, causing you to smile and nod at him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, while checking your forehead, your fever had gone down from yesterday.

"Okay I guess...not too bad. Not too well, just kinda
feel weak tbh" you shrugged

Sanzu then placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"Let's get up, you go and freshen up and I'll cook breakfast." He spoke

"No no, you go and freshen up first, I'll make breakfast, you took care of me last night, so it's the least I can do" you replied

"Y/N, you know your body is weak right now, you shouldn't be moving about, you need to be resting, princess" he spoke worriedly


"Are you trying to keep me lying down forever, Haru? I don't like not doing anything, let me move about please" you spoke with a frown

"Y/N, you know I care about you right? We all have our responsibilities in looking after you. So just let us do our jobs okay? You're clearly not taking good care of yourself so let us do that for you" he spoke gently, while tightening his grip around you and kissing you on the nose.

"Fine fine, if that's was Haru wants, that's what Haru gets... happy" you spoke. To which he nodded his head

So then, you went and freshened up, while Sanzu made breakfast. You made your way over to the kitchen and the smell of the food hit your nose

"Waaaah, it smells so good" you smiled brightly, causing Sanzu to chuckle.

Both of you then started eating. After you were done, you washed the dishes. Sanzu tried to argue with you but you didn't budge so he just gave up with you.

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