※※ Chapter 30: Where is Y/N? ※※

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Back with you...

You were riding your bike, it was raining heavily, your clothes were all wet now, your hair sticking to your face. It was cold, but you didn't mind it. The only thing that was on your mind was Ken, was he okay ?

"Ken you better not die, or else I will personally murder you myself" you spoke as you gritted your teeth.

You parked your bike near the parking lot Mikey  told you about. You got off, but as soon as you got off, you felt a sharp pain to your head, your vision getting blurry as you held your head in pain, and the next thing you saw was pitch black.

You woke up, blinking a few times to see where you were, you were at a warehouse, that you could figure out. You noticed you were tied up. Your hands and legs tied, however you mouth wasn't covered.

"You're finally awake huh?" An unknown voice

However, you recognized the voice, it belonged to one of the girls apart of Toman, she was one of the of the bitches that hated you and you hated her. There were others in the warehouse too, quite a few, both males and females.

She walked up to you, with a smirk plastered on her face, she was eyeing you up and down at your figure, with a sly smirk on her face. You were about to murder someone today.

"That's a nice bandage you got there" she laughed

She then all of a sudden she sat on your lap, causing you to widen your eyes (eww eww eww) her hand slowly made its way to your nape. She looked at your lips with lust in her eyes.

"GET.OFF. YOU. FILTHY. BITCH" you growled, your voice cold, but she just ended up chuckling at you

Her fingers slowly traced the scar on your lips as her hands then made their way down your neck, she now unbuttoned the top two buttons of your top.

You wanted to kill this bitch right here.  She stood up and then slapped you right across your face, your eyes widened as you felt a sting on your cheek,

"You can stay here, and I will take your spot as 3rd Commander of Toman" she announced

"Hahah, that's a nice joke" you laughed at her

"You think I'm joking? I will kill you right here" she said as she glared at you

"Ehhh, I like to see you try bitch" you spoke with a blank expression on your face

"You ambush someone just so can take their spot, how low could you go... Oh WAIT, you were already low you filthy bitch" you added as you glared back at her, you could hear laughter from the others in the room.

⚠️ read with caution

You then forced your way out of the ropes (the rope was actually covered with sharp pins), you were in  pain as you forced your way, your wrists were bleeding due the cuts, your legs also had cuts from the sharp pins, but you honestly couldn't care (did you have a high pain tolerance...maybe)

You were now stood up and you had a bored look on your face. You were ready to murder someone today.

Someone was about to aim their fists at you but reacted just in time as roundhouse kicked them in the head, while they crashed on the floor. You then kicked and punched you way through the people, knocking 15 people down.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now