※※ Chapter 68: Sana Meets Izana, Kakucho & The Haitani's ※※

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Sana had met Toman now and is adored by them all. But of course, you couldn't forget Izana, Kaku, Ran and Rindou could you? They all know about the reason why you and Mikey fought.

You knew they were busy, but Sana was getting excited to meet more of your friends, so of course you couldn't say no to her.

You and Sana were on your way to Yokohama to meet them. You of course told Sana about the first time you met them. Sana listened carefully, she had a smile plastered on her face.

You saw the four of them waiting near a lake. You tiptoed up to them and placed your hands on Ran's eyes. Ran was startled at first but....

"Hmm, I wonder who this might be" Ran pretending

"Is it Y/N?" He chuckled

"Who else dumbass" you scoffed as you slapped his head

"Do you know how hard your slap hurts" Ran whined while rubbing the back of his head

The others laughed at you and Ran, with Ran giving them a glare

"Well who's fault was it then, Mr oh let me pretend not to know" Izana chuckled

They all hugged you tightly. They all missed you

"Did you miss me that much?" You giggled as you snuggled into Kaku's embrace

"Of course we did, it's hard staying away from our princess you know" Kaku saying while stroking your hair

They all noticed the little girl with you. She had a small smile on her face as she watched of them.

"And who might this little cutie pie be?"' Rindou spoke as he bent down to Sana's level, smiling at her

"Y/N-nee-chan, why are all your friends so pretty?" Sana smiled as she held Rindou's face as she showed her bright smile.

The others smiled at her.

"I am handsome aren't I?" Rindou exclaimed as he smiled back, to which she nodded

"This is Sana." You smiled as you patted her head

They all looked at you and the back to Sana

"Ahhh I see, so you're Sana-Chan, nice to meet you little princess, my name is Izana"' Izana smiled as he patted her head

"I am Kakucho, you're so cute Sana-Chan" Kaku spoke as he poked Sana's cheek gently

"The handsome one who's face you're holding is Rindou" Rindou smiled

"And I am Ran" Ran ruffling her hair

"Ahh, so Izana-nii-chan, Kaku-nii-chan, Rin-nii-chan and Ran-nii-chan." Sana happily spoke

You chuckled at her, while the other smiled at her.

Time skip to the evening....

You, Rindou and Ran were playing ahead with Sana. While Izana and Kakucho sat on the hill, watching you all have fun.

Izana smiled as he watched you, how much he wanted to see to you smile, genuinely smiling. His and Kaku's heart warmed up seeing that smile on your face. You deserved to be happy didn't you, you've been through enough as it is. To them it felt like forever since they last saw you happy and content. They could tell how important Sana was important to you.

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