※※ Chapter 59: Familiar Faces 2.0

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There you stood, with wide eyes and tears flowing down your face, at the two people in front of you.


You couldn't take it anymore, you ran to them and pulling them both into a big hug. You now had broken down, your body was shaking. Both Izana and Kakucho tightened their grips around you. A huge weight was lifted off their shoulders, they finally found you!!! They never want to let you let you go now. They both had their eyes closed, as warm tears flowed down their faces too. They could feel how your body was trembling.

"I-I am so sorry..." your voice was painful

"I-I'm so sorry for leaving..."

"P-please forgive m-me..."

Your voice was shaking, you let everything out, you just wanted to see them, you've longed for them. They were so so glad to finally see you...! Hearing the pain in your voice was hurting them, more so, the fact that you were blaming yourself for leaving them. They never want to see you like this.

"Shhh, we're here now aren't we" Izana gently spoke as he gently rubbed your back.

"Let it out Y/N, we ain't ever leaving your side, okay" Kaku spoke as stroked your hair.

The three of you stood there in silence, all that could be hear was your painful crying. Izana and Kaku both comforted you. You missed everything about them, their hugs, their scent, their comfort... everything. You tightened your grip around them, you didn't want to let go...

"I'm s-so sorry" was all you kept repeating

Izana, Kaku, Ran and Rindou were all stood there in silence, your words were painful, their hearts ached hearing you, seeing you like this. They let go of you, your eyes were all puffy and red, they looked so tired. Izana then gently cupped your face and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. His thumb gently wiping your tears away.

"Stop crying now Y/N, it hurts seeing you like this" Izana spoke quietly

His thumb gently traced the scar on your lips, so much had changed about you, the biggest shock was your scar, as much as they wanted to hear what happened to you, they knew you needed time. There was so much you had to tell them... but what would they think of you...?

Kaku pulled you back into a tight hug, gently rubbing your back, Izana gently patting your head.

They were hurting, you looked so fragile in their eyes, your eyes looked lost and in pain. What the hell happened to you?

After some time, you calmed down, both Ran and Rindou then made their way over to you three.

"I never knew you three knew each other" Ran spoke up

"We met Y/N at the orphanage when we were young" Izana spoke up

"Ahh I see, fate is such a funny thing... maybe you were meant to meet us, so you three could reunite" Rindou added as he smiled

"I don't know if it's fate Rin....but I'm happy...I missed Izana and Kaku so much, you have no idea how grateful I am..." you spoke as you hugged Ran and Rindou

"Thank you" you added

Both Ran and Rindou smiled as they tightened their grips around you.

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