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I never thought I'd see a dead body.

I never thought something like that could happen at Hogwarts. I thought it was a safe place.

June twenty-fourth was horrible.

It was the last task of the tournament and it ended with Cedric Diggory dying.

I saw a dead body.

The entire school was shocked, some were crying. I wasn't crying, but I was shook.

My whole life has been pretty normal, if you consider being a witch with magical abilities normal.

Today was Saturday. A Saturday in mid August. It was pouring down outside. It had been raining all night and it was currently ten in the morning.

I was cuddled up in his sheets, hugging the pillow close to my face.

Two months had passed since that tragic day at Hogwarts and I still thought about it. Seeing a dead body was shocking, but I didn't know the guy so it hadn't traumatised me.

The door of a sound creaking caused me to lift my head and look in the direction of  Felix as he entered his room.

"Kai." He said in a whisper, closing the door behind him.

I hummed and closed my eyes again, snuggling up with the pillow like I did before.

He crawled onto the bed, one thigh in either side of me. He brushed my hair away from one shoulder so he could reach down and graze his lips over my earlobe.

"Look what I got in the mail." He whispered and I opened my eyes, lifting my head as he moved an envelope in front of my face for me to look at.

"No way!" I gasped, my eyes widening. I looked back at him and managed to roll onto my back, him still standing on his knees, one placed on either side of my body. "Is that the badge?!"

"It has to be, right?" He chuckled, turning the envelope over in his hand.

"Well, open it!" I urged. "What're you waiting for?"

He made a face. He seemed nervous about opening it.

I reached up to brush his messy hair out of his face.


His eyes met mine and he smiled before he ripped the envelope open, pulling out the head boy badge.

He smiled proudly as he stared down at the badge, then he showed it to me.

"Meet the new head boy of Hogwarts."

I laughed as I propped myself up on one elbow while running a hand to the nape of his neck, pulling him down to meet my lips for a split second.

"I'm so proud of you." I smiled. "You did it!"

"I did!" He agreed, just as enthusiastic as he threw himself next to me, holding the badge up over his face.

"Now you can give me free passes to sneak out at night." I smiled cheekily and Felix turned his head to look at me.

"Using my power to your advantage, huh?"

"Always." I smiled, leaning closer to him so that our noses touched.

He smiled back as he kissed me.

"My mum's making breakfast." He said in a whisper. "She's making your favourite."

"Waffles with whipped cream and berries?"

"Uh-huh." He nodded. "Are you up for eating?"

I shrugged.

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