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This is the last chapter.

For now...

I'll be doing a sequel which will take place years in the future. I don't know how many years yet but less than 10 and more than 5.


Fred shut the door behind us.

I stared into the flat, remembering the last time I was in here.

Boxes still stood in the room, haven't been unpacked since I was taken from here and Fred had to go into hiding.

I had spent a few weeks at St. Mungo's and now I was home where Fred had stayed since the war ended.

"I've secured the flat." He said from behind me. "No one can apparate in and out, only certain people can use the floo system and the windows are unbreakable."

I didn't answer. I stared into the flat, not knowing what to do or where to go.

Fred placed a hand on my arm and I turned a little to look at him.

"A shower?" He asked. "We never got to try our new one."

I looked towards the bathroom and nodded, but no word left my mouth. I didn't know what to say.

"We?" I asked then, realising that was the word he had used.

"Oh, no I didn't mean— I meant you." He assured me. "I know you don't feel comfortable with me seeing you like that, and that's okay. I'll find a towel for you, yeah?"

Fred walked down the hallway towards the bathroom and I turned around towards the front door, making sure it was locked.

Then I looked into the flat again, taking a few steps.

I looked back at the front door, walking back to it again to make sure it was locked for a second time.

Then I hurried down the hallway before I'd check a third time.

The door to the bathroom was open and Fred was finding two towels for me. One for my hair and one for my body.

I stood on the doorway, watching him.

"I bought some shampoo and conditioner." He told me when he noticed me. "The ones you've always used."

I watched as he put the two bottles in the shower, and then turned towards me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, but I shrugged.

To be honest, I felt terrified at the thought of showering alone, but I also felt terrified of having him see my body.

"Why am I so scared of showing skin around you?" I asked. "We're married. You've seen every part of my body. We share a bed..."

Though we hadn't shared a bed for months.

"You've been through a lot, Kai. Unfortunately I can't explain how the brain works when it comes to trauma but after what happened, it doesn't surprise me that you'll find it difficult to be undressed near anyone."

I didn't answer. I stared at the floor, trying to gain confidence to ask him to shower with me.

I couldn't do it alone. I couldn't shower in this flat alone. I simply couldn't be here alone.

I closed my eyes as I stayed against the doorframe, trying to gain the courage to ask him.

"Kai..." Fred said softly and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Can you..." I nodded towards the shower and Fred looked at it before looking at me again.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't want you to rush into anything you aren't ready for."

I gulped.

It's just Fred.
It's just Fred.
It's just Fred.

At the hospital, I had only taken baths in a bathtub because going near a shower had caused me to freak out.

I knew that Fred's plan was to transfigure the shower into a bathtub but when he saw me nod towards the shower, he knew I wanted to try that, with him.

"It's just a shower." I shrugged, forcing a small smile but my eyes slid away from Fred and instead I found myself staring at the shower.

"You don't have to take a shower today." He told me. "You can take a bath and you can try a shower tomorrow perhaps?"

I shook my head.

"I want to try." I said, my voice barely a whisper. "And I want to try it with you."


"No." I cut him off, closing my eyes. "He took everything from me, Freddie. My freedom, my confidence... he even took my dad away from me."

Theodore had stayed at Hogwarts even after the war was won. He hid, waited for someone. For whatever reason, my dad knew he was still there and when he went looking for him, Theodore killed him.

It had only been two weeks and the funeral was tomorrow.

"How can he take something as ordinary as taking a shower away from me too?" I asked. "I can do this."

I walked towards the shower and pushed the door open before reaching to turn on the water to get it ready, but the second I touched the metal, I flinched.

Pictures immediately filled my head and I could hear myself scream and cry as Theodore pushed me up against the shower wall, forcing himself into me.

I could still feel the cold metal of the shower valve against my hipbone.

I stumbled back, my eyes shut and I felt Fred wrap his arms around me. First, I flinched but I quickly realised that it was just him and that I was safe.

"I'll transfigure it into a tub." He whispered in my ear, and I nodded quickly, staring at the shower. "It's okay, pretty. Sit down for a second, yeah?"

I sat down on the toilet seat, running my hands up and down my thighs while taking a deep breath.

"What if they never find him?" I asked and Fred looked back at me while crouched down by the newly transfigured bathtub.

"They will."

I shook my head.

"He found a way in before."

"But that was before I secured the entire place." He said. "Kai, he can't get inside, and the war is won. He won't dare to show his face here again. You're safe."

I just nodded as I stared at my hands. Fred couldn't convince me.

I was absolutely terrified. I hadn't gotten one good night of sleep since Theodore kidnapped me and I was sure I wouldn't get a good night of sleep for a while.

"Hey..." Fred caught my attention. "...we'll find you the best therapist the Wizarding world can offer. I don't care how expensive it is. You'll get the help you deserve, yeah?"

I nodded and looked at him.

"I love you." I said quietly, and he offered me a soft smile.

"I love you."


Ahhhhhhh that was the end of 'Serpentine'.

I can't wait to start on the sequel and I hope you'll join me there!

I'll keep you all updated!

- Julie

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