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I'm just posting all those finished chapters I've got.

This is the last though. I'm still working on chapter four.


Each step creaked underneath my feet as I made my way down them.

Felix was fast asleep in my bed. He looked so peaceful that I didn't feel like waking him up.

Voices came from the living room, two of whom were male. As I entered the room, my eyes landed on my brother and my father who were talking while Maya sat on the sofa, reading one of my books that she borrowed.

My brother had changed a lot over the summer. He was still as tall, unfortunately but his hair had been shaved off and was slowly growing back, one side of his nose was pierced with a black ring and he had a lot of tattoos on his right arm.

My brother was only a year older than me, having graduated Hogwarts in June. He had spent the summer in Australia before having to start his job at the ministry at the start of September.

"Carter..." I breathed, earning the attention of both my brother and our father. " look like shit."

"Thank you dear sis." He smiled sarcastically at me. "At least I'm not wearing sweatpants and... is that my hoodie?"

I shrugged.

"It's Sunday. I'm allowed to."

"Is that my hoodie?" He repeated. "How many times have I not told you to stop stealing my hoodies and my jumpers?"

I opened my mouth to say something but I had no excuse. Trust was, that I had indeed snuck into Carter's room and grabbed one of his hoodies that he hadn't brought with him to Australia.

"Dad, tell Carter he's supposed to share." I said and turned my attention to our dad who watched the interaction with his arms folded over his chest.

"He's eighteen." Dad said. "Just give him his hoodie back."

"Fine." I groaned. "I'll put it in your room. Then I'll just have to wear Felix jumper."

I turned to walk back into the hallway, but Carter's voice stopped me.

"Felix is here?"

I turned back around and nodded as my brother made a slight face of disgust.

"Did your mother allow that?" Dad asked.

He had been working all night so he hadn't been home when I decided for Felix to stay the night.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Why?"

Dad shrugged.

"I don't think he's the right person for you." He said and immediately I sighed, knowing exactly where he was headed with this. "Kai, you're only seventeen. You've got your entire life to find a boyfriend and the first one is often not the one."

I leaned against the doorframe as I shoved my hands into the pockets of the hoodie.

My dad and my brother had acted like this ever since I brought Felix home for Christmas nine months ago.

They hated him for a reason I couldn't see. Felix hadn't done anything. He was a great boyfriend. I loved him.

Though for some reason, Carter and our dad had just made that mutual decision to hate him, to be tough on him.

I remember Christmas dinner.

Dad grilled Felix with questions and Carter backed him up. Carter knows him better than dad, we went to school together for many years but he still haven't got a reason to hate him.

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