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The first thing I saw when I woke up, was Remus Lupin.

He was smiling sweetly at me while taking my temperature on my forehead.

"Professor..." I muttered, trying to pull myself up to sit.

"No, no... don't try to sit." He quickly told me, gently pushing back on my shoulders so that I laid back down. "It was quite the damage. You need your rest."

I frowned.

"I didn't die?"

"No." He chuckled. "Thanks to your brother."


"Nice seeing you awake." Kwan showed up at the sofa where I laid. "I nearly had a heart attack when Fred showed up at my door with blood all over him. The boy was shaking... absolutely out of his mind."

"Fred." I muttered and tried to sit up again but this time my brother was the one to push me back down.

"He's asleep." He told me. "He's been awake for the past week, wanting to be by your side constantly and his mother had to give him something so he could get some rest."

I let out a breath, looking down at my stomach which was wrapped in gaze. I was wearing one of Fred's pair of sweatpants and then my own sports bra that he must've gotten for me at home.

Kwan sent a look to Lupin who excused himself before my brother sat down on the edge of the sofa, looking at me.

"Kyung-Hu..." he sighed. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but the baby didn't make it."

I stared up at Kwan, my eyebrows falling into a frown.

A baby?

"Baby? What baby?"

Kwan's eyes widened slightly as realisation hit him.

"You didn't know?" He asked. "Shit... you were pregnant. About five weeks along."

I ripped my eyes away from Kwan and instead stared at the ceiling as I took in the news.


But I was on birth control.

How had I ended up pregnant?

Did Fred know?

"Wait... you said a week." I spoke. "I've been asleep for a week?"

Kwan nodded.

"We were honestly scared you weren't going to wake up." He said. "George's gone to get Carter and Maya. We had to find Carter's address and with everything going on, it took a while."

I sighed.

The last thing I wanted was for Carter and Maya to know about this. I'd be shamed for bringing out little brother in danger and also shamed for getting myself stabbed.

I looked down and ran my fingers over h to the gaze. A faint blood stain was visible, soaking through some of the inner layers but hadn't reached the outer ones yet.

"Do you need something?" Kwan asked me. "Something to drink, perhaps?"

I nodded and he offered me a smile before making his way into the kitchen.

Then I noticed where Fred was sleeping. On the other sofa. The sofa across from me.

I groaned as I pulled myself up, supporting my weight on the table but my knees gave in and I collapsed on the floor with a grunt.

Though I pulled myself back up on my knees and somehow made my way over to Fred.

I settled on the floor, an arm hooked around my stomach while I reached up to brush my fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, resting my forehead against his arm. I closed my eyes and just sat there until I heard Kwan.

"Kyung-Hu!" He rushed over and put the glass of water down before lifting me up.

I winced in pain.

"I told you to lie down. You need your rest!" He said as he carefully put me down on the sofa. "You might just've opened your wound."

"I don't care." I breathed. "I need to talk to Fred. I—"

"Well, you won't be able to right now. He'll be asleep for the next five hours and you can talk to him then." He said. "But right now, you need to rest and I need to change the bandages and make sure you didn't rip open your wound."

I sighed and stared at the ceiling while Kwan undid the gaze.

"As I thought." He sighed and I looked down, immediately getting dizzy at the sight.

I had a big cut that was closed with stitches, but it had been ripped open again when I had moved off the sofa.

"Why don't you just use magic and fix it up?" I asked. "You're a wizard."

Kwan stood up, his eyes flicking to my face.

"That dagger was covered with dark magic." He told me. "We have to do this the muggle way and it'll leave a scar."

He left the room to get something, and my eyes landed on Fred again.

No one else seemed to be in the house. I didn't know where everyone were but the only people were Kwan, Fred and I.

Lupin had left in silence but I didn't know where to.

When Kwan returned, he had needle and thread along with some alcohol, and seeing that, immediately scared me.

"We've run out of painkillers." He told me. "And I'll have to stitch you back up."

I nodded slowly.

"Just get it over with."

He used the alcohol to sterilise the needle and after a while of being in a crazy amount of pain, the wound was stitched back up and I had a new round of gaze wrapped around me.

I drank some water and then I fell back asleep.

When I woke up again, a few hours had passed, according to the Weasleys family clock.

I kept staring at Fred who was still asleep, and Kwan was reading whenever he didn't have to assist me with whatever I'd need.

"Kwan?" I asked, and he hummed before immediately looking up from his book. "Who's got Myeong?"

He offered a small smile but instead of answering, he put his book down and got up, disappearing upstairs.

At the same time, the front door opened and Carter walked in, followed by Maya and George.

"Kai!" Carter rushed to my side when he saw me. "What the fuck?!"

He looked back at George.

"Who did this to her?! What happened?!"

George hadn't told them?

I looked at Maya who stood there, looking at me with wide and worried eyes.

"You're awake." George said and walked over, leaning down to hug me. "Good. I was starting to think we'd lose you."

"Lose? How long has she been like this?!" Carter stood up.

"A week, I think.."

"A week?!" Carter was now yelling. "Our sister has been in this state for a week and you didn't think to get us earlier?"

"Carter..." I sighed. "...they tried but they didn't have your address and I've been asleep the whole time. I'm fine, okay? I'm just in a little pain."

A lot of pain actually.

"What happened?" Maya asked as she slowly approached the sofa, and sat down by my feet.

"Theodore stabbed me."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now