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14 months later


I gagged at the horrible smell spreading throughout the room. Fred died with laughter and so did I while rolling off the bed.

"What?" He laughed. "It wasn't me!"

"Who else would it be?! We're the only people in the room!"

He continued to laugh as he threw his arm over his forehead.

"I swear, your farts are horrible." I gagged, covering my mouth and nose with my hand.

He scoffed.

"Yours are worse."

"They are not!" I exclaimed. "I do not fart!"

"That's a lie!" George shouted as he walked past the room after leaving the bathroom.

I do not!

"See." Fred smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed a pillow off the bed, throwing it at him.

"Fuck off."

He continued to laugh while I walked over to open the window.

"You'd think you ate something rotten." I said, making a face and Fred scoffed at me.

"When are you picking up Myeong?"

My parents were going away for two weeks to get some alone time so meanwhile, we would be babysitting my baby brother and Maya would go stay with Carter.

Carter moved out about six months ago and now lives in a flat in Birmingham.

Him, Maya and I have been seeing Kwan quite often for the past year but mum doesn't know. Dad doesn't either. He knows I met him a few time but he doesn't know we see him frequently now.

"Mum and dad leave around noon so I just have to be there at eleven." I said, pushing some hair behind my ear while turning to look at him. "Are you sure this is okay? He's a baby and it's two weeks."

"Exactly... two weeks." Fred nodded as he sat up. "He's your baby brother. What could go wrong?"

I sighed.

"And he isn't exactly a baby, is he?" He asked. "He's fifteen months."

"That's still a baby." I shrugged, walking closer to the bed as Fred now sat on the edge of it.

He slid his arms around the back of my thighs, pulling me closer, and my laughter filled the room.

I leaned down to kiss him softly, feeling him smile against me.

There was a sudden tap at the window and I almost screamed. It scared me so much that Fred had to hold onto me to make sure I didn't fall.

But no one was at the window.

"It was probably just a bird." Fred spoke, rubbing his hand up and down the small of my back. "It's okay. Relax."

A year later and I was still being harassed by my stalker. I didn't know who it was but he kept contacting me with either letters or photographs of me.

"I should go." I said. "Can you prepare some food for him for when we get back?"

"Of course." Fred nodded before he looked at the time. "It's just ten o'clock."

"I know." I shrugged. "But I'm gonna go."

I walked towards the door when I heard Fred speak again.

"Kai." He breathed. "I love you."

"I love you more." I said, continuing out of the bedroom.

I pulled on a pair of shoes and when I heard George sigh, I turned to see him lay on the sofa.

"Can you bring back some donuts?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Donuts? It's ten in the morning, George."

"So? I'm in the mood for donuts."

I sighed.

"I'll bring back donuts."

I left the flat, leaving out of the back door before I apparated to my parents house.

I used my key to let myself in and I immediately noticed the chaos. Mum and dad were fighting and baby cries filled the house.

I pushed off my shoes before walking into the kitchen where my parents were yelling at each other while Myeong sat in his high chair, crying.

Sighing, I walked over and picked him up, placing him on my hip before I left the kitchen again.

"It's okay." I whispered, brushing his tears away from his cheeks while I walked back and forth in the hallway.

I hummed softly, rocking him back and forth a little, trying to calm him down.

"You're okay." I whispered. "Mummy and daddy are just having a little fight, yeah?"

He continued to cry while laying his head against my shoulder, his hand clutching onto my other shoulder.

"You're gonna be spending two weeks with Freddie and I." I whispered. "It's gonna be so exciting, huh?"

After a while of just talking to him, he calmed down, eventually falling asleep against my shoulder.

The fighting died down and mum walked out into the hallway, sighing when she saw me.

"Hi." She said, shaking her head. "Your father and I were just—"

"Fighting." I nodded. "Yeah, I heard."

Mum took Myeong from my arms, kissing the side of his head.

"Thank you again for wanting to watch him." She said. "I can't believe I agreed to this."

"Mum, you and dad need some time away." I said. "You are obviously too stressed and it'll only effect him. Maya too."

Mum nodded.

"I know, sweetheart."

Mum walked back into the kitchen while dad walked past her and towards me.

"You look tired." He said and brought me in for a hug. "How're you doing?"

"I'm okay." I shrugged and stepped back. "I'm uh— the shop is going well, though I need to hire someone to help with the financing. I'm terrible with numbers."

"You've got that from me." He nodded. "Can you afford to take more people on right now? Everything is rather tough now with the war, especially businesses."

"I don't know. I'll have George help me look at my budget."


I walked through the front door, holding my little brothers hand as he walked next to me.

In my other hand was a bag with his things and a box of donuts at the same time.

I used my foot to shut the door, then let go of Myeong's hand.

"Can you take off your shoes?" I asked him and he looked up at me, fingers stuffed into his mouth before he crouched down.

He sat on the floor and struggled to pull off his shoes but eventually managed.

"Is that little Myeong I see?!" Fred gasped as he walked out of the bedroom and my brother's face lit up before he got to his feet.

He ran at Fred who picked him up and spun him around in the air, causing Myeong to shriek with laughter.

Smiling, I walked over to the kitchen island and put the box of donuts as well as Myeong's bag.

"Where's George?" I asked. "I got him donuts."

"In the bathroom." Fred told me while putting Myeong down. "I've made Myeong a little snack. Some fruit."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now