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I looked at Fred as he walked back into the living room, wearing only a pair of briefs.

"It's okay." He assured me as he dropped to his knees on the mattress. "No one is here."

I let out a sigh of relief and Fred ran a hand to the nape of my neck, pulling me closer. He kissed me deeply, his nose brushing against my cheekbone.

My fingers got tangled up in his hair and when he pulled back, I kept a hold on him, resting my forehead against his.

"Are you okay?" He whispered and as I watched his lips, I hummed slightly. "Good. Let's get dressed and then I'll take you out for some breakfast before I make sure you get home safely."

"No, wait." I whispered and pulled him back once again when he tried to get up.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him down to meet my lips again. My other hand found it's way down to the hem of his briefs, sliding across the waistband.

"Oh..." Fred whispered against my lips and I could feel the smirk against mine as I brushed my fingers over his clothed dick.

He broke the kiss to rest his forehead against mine while smirking at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" He asked, and I nodded.

I slid my hand into his briefs and Fred breathed heavily against me as I stroked him to get him hard.

"Merlin fuck." He whimpered. "Kai..."

I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue, the way his eyes were closed, his lips parted, the breathless way of saying my name out of pleasure from me touching him.

I watched his face closely, the way his eyes opened to meet mine and as they did, I could feel a spark spread throughout my body within seconds.

My lips parted and a smirk spread across Fred's face when he realised the effect eye contact had on me.

His hand wrapped around my wrist and he pulled my hand out of his briefs before kissing me while pushing me down against the mattress.

He used his knee to spread my thighs apart and I moaned when I felt him against my clothed core.

I ran my fingers into his hair, tugging on it while we kissed roughly. One of his hands slipped down between my legs and when he pushed my knickers to the side and ran his fingers through my folds, I gasped against his lips.

I bucked my hips to urge him to finger me and as he pushed two of his fingers into me, I broke the kiss and threw my head back, my eyes staying closed.

I could feel Fred brush his nose from the side of my neck and down to my shoulder where he placed a kiss.

His fingers curled inside of me and his thumb worked on my clit, sending electricity through every single nerve in my body.

His lips were attached to my skin, kissing up and down my neck as well as my shoulder and my collarbone.

I ran one hand up his back until I rested it against the nape of his neck and as his lips found my jawline, my other hand grabbed his arm tightly — the arm of the hand that was working fast down between my legs.

"I can hear your breathing." He whispered. "You're close, aren't you?"

I moaned in response and felt him rest his forehead against my temple.

My hands tightened in the hairs on the nape of his neck and I heard him grunt slightly at the feeling.

"You really can't last long with me, huh?" Fred teased. "You're my good girl, yeah? Always so ready to come underneath me."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now