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I gasped as Fred grabbed my hair and yanked my head back.

He stared down at my face, his other hand grappling my jaw roughly.

I was completely naked while he was not. He was completely dressed, a few buttons in his shirt open, revealing his chest.

"Look at me, Kai. Not the ceiling."

I averted my eyes from the ceiling to his eyes, groaning when he tugged at my hair even more.

"Ooh, did that hurt?" He pouted. "Did I hurt you, pretty girl?"

He ran his thumb over my bottom lip, crouching down in front of me, leaning in close.

"Answer me."


"Oh?" He asked, pulling my hair even harder to the point where I grinned. "How about now?"

"Yes." I gulped and a smile of satisfaction spread across his face.


He let go of my hand and stood up, leaning back against the table while I was still on my knees.

Fred used his foot and slid it between my knees, tapping each side.

"Spread them."

I did what he told me to and he tilted his head, using his hands to grab the edges of the table while staring at me.

"Touch yourself for me."


"You heard me, lovely." He nodded. "Get yourself all nice and wet for me."

After staring at him for a moment and he raised his eyebrows as if challenging me to get going, I slowly ran my fingers down my stomach.

My hand disappeared between my legs and I let out a sigh at the friction.

Moaning, I closed my eyes, but the sound of his voice made me snap them back open.

"Eyes on me."

As my eyes met his, he smiled.

"Good girl." He said. "Doing exactly what you're told."

I stared at him without saying anything, my fingers working on my clit, running through my folds from time to time to gather some of the wetness.

"You don't get to come today." He said, causing me to frown.


"Do you know why?"

I inhaled sharply.

"Tell me why you can't come, Kai."

I knew why. I knew exactly why but I hadn't expected him to punish me for it.

"I took my anger out on you and I tried to break up with you." I said, ending the sentence with a moan. "Please touch me."

"No." Fred shook his head. "I'm not going to touch you tonight, darling. I'm going to use that beautiful body of yours so maybe you will learn to communicate with me the next time you're upset."

I tilted my head to one side, pouting at him.

"Finger yourself." He said. "Get your fingers wet."

I moaned lightly when I slid two fingers into myself. My eyes almost closed but I knew he'd just order me to open them again.

He wanted to be able to look at my eyes while I touched myself.

Another moan left my mouth but then there was a click of a camera and immediately I tried to cover myself up while Fred pushed himself away from the table.

His eyes were focused on the door and then he was running, chasing whoever it was.

Meanwhile, I sat on the floor, knees pulled up to my chest, rethinking what just happened.

Someone took a picture of what was happening and after the entire thing with the picture, I felt really uneasy and uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes, resting my forehead against my knees.

Once Fred got back, I looked up at him, then quickly looked away. He was holding a camera in his hands — a camera that seemed to be pretty smashed up.

"It was Felix, wasn't it?" I asked quietly, and Fred sighed, nodding as he closed the door behind him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Can you get me my clothes, please? I'm uncomfortable."

"Of course." He said, hurrying over to where my clothes laid.

He brought it over to me.

"Here, let me help you—"

"No." I hurried to say. "Uh... turn around, please? I can do it myself."

He looked at me in confusion before turning around and I hurried to get dressed, then sighed.

"He and Martha used to be my best friends." I said, Fred turning back around to look at me. "For seventeen years he's been my best friend. I don't understand why he's doing all of this. I never did him anything. He's the one who's cheating so why is he doing this? Why is he trying to humiliate me?"

Fred wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.

"I don't know." He said. "But I almost killed him now and I sure will do it if he ever tries to disrespect you again."


It was Fred and George's eighteenth birthday.

I had presents for both of them and I was excited to give them to them.

I had confronted Felix the day after he tried to catch a photo of me masturbating and I punched him over and over again to the point where I ended up with an entire month worth of detention.

I was so done with school. I had decided to leave school with Fred and George though I didn't know when we were doing that.

My parents weren't going to be thrilled but I wasn't going to stay here when a woman was torturing us, even when I don't need my exams to open my own shop.

"Happy birthday!" I shrieked, jumping at Fred when I saw him in the common room the day of his birthday.

He laughed, closing his arms around me to hold me up as I sat around his hips.

"You remembered."

"Of course I did!" I said and slid down his body, leaning up to give him a quick kiss before I turned to George and hugged him. "Happy birthday to you too."

"Thank you." He smiled and I stepped back, looking at them both.

"I will give you your presents tonight. It will be difficult for me to wait that long but right now we need to get to breakfast and I have a lot of classes so..."

"It's fine, Kai." Fred smiled. "Don't stress about it. We can wait until tonight."

"And as far as we're concerned, you didn't have to get us anything." George added, causing Fred to scoff.

"Speak for yourself. I enjoy presents."

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