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I laughed as the feeling of the pen across my stomach tickled.

Fred had decided to pin me to the bed, push up my shirt and draw on my skin which tickled a whole lot more than I had expected.

I was really ticklish.

Fred had a grin spread across his face from hearing me laugh, his eyes focused on my stomach.

"What're you writing?" I laughed, trying to look at it but every time I propped myself up on my elbows, he'd push me back down.

"What's your middle name?" He asked and looked at me from under his eyelashes, not moving his head.

"Uh... Isabell. Why?" I asked and he smirked before he continued writing on my skin. "Why are you writing my middle name on my stomach?"

"How do you spell it?" He asked, ignoring my own question. "With or without an E?"


"One or two L's?"


"Alright." He whispered as he then wrote my last name before looking at me. "Property of Kai Isabell Brooks."

I cocked an eyebrow and he got off of me, gesturing towards the one mirror in the room.

I rolled off the bed and looked at myself, laughing at what I saw.

Property of Kay Isabell Brooks.

He got my first name wrong.

And then there was an arrow pointing down.

"Freddie?" I asked and he hummed, tilting his head at me. "That's not how you spell my name."

He frowned before slowly getting off the bed, approaching me.

"Yes it is. K-A-Y... Kay." He said. "Just like May."

Smiling, I reached up and patted his cheek.

"My name is spelled with an I."

"Is it?"



He brushed his fingers over the name written on my stomach, then smiled cheekily at me.

"Guess you'll have to change your name then."

I rolled my eyes and watched him as he moved back to his bed, groaning as he laid down.

"Hey, I need your help with something." I said, rolling my jumper down.

Fred moved into his back and placed an arm under his head to look at me.

"What's up?"

I wrapped my arms around myself as I leaned against the poster at the end of his bed.

"I want to prank my sister." I said, and Fred raised his eyebrows before propping himself up on his elbows. "Maybe it'll warn her to stop being a little bitch."

"What did she do?"

I shrugged and moved into the bed, crawling over him until I straddled his stomach.

"She acts like she's so much better than me because she's more mature despite being three years younger than me."

"We're talking about Maya Brooks, right?" He asked.

"Whoever is named Brooks at this school?" I asked and cocked an eyebrow. "Yes... Maya Brooks. She's in the same year as your sister, I believe."

Fred nodded.

"I can help you prank her." He smiled. "What were you thinking?"


"Do we have to go?" I groaned, making Angie laugh as she held up a dress in front of her as she stood by the mirror. "I'm going to go down there wearing this."

She turned to look at me.

"Sweats?" She asked. "No you're not. Don't you have any dresses?"

"I do." I nodded. "But I'm not wearing them. I don't want to party, Angie. I want to sleep."

"Hey." She said and walked over to my bed while throwing her dress on her own bed. "Let's get you all hot and sexy so you can show Felix what he lost when he decided to fuck you over."

I didn't care about Felix. He could go fuck himself.

"Fine." I sighed. "I'll come to the party and I'll wear a dress."

"Yeah?" Angie's face lit up before she hurried over to my dresser to find a dress. "Do you have something in a maroon colour? I think it'll suit your complexion."

"My complexion..." I repeated, sitting up. "Bottom drawer. There's a dress in there."

As Angie pulled the dress out of the drawer, the door barged open.

"Kai!" Fred spoke, closing the door behind me. "I need a blowjob."

My eyes widened and I heard Angie gasp which caused Fred to jump before he noticed her.

"Angie!" He breathed. "I thought you were with... George. He said he was with you. I—"

Angie looked between Fred and I, her eyes wide.

"A blowjob is a new slang for uh... a bag of weed." Fred said, and I frowned.

That was his excuse? Why would I have a bag of weed?

"When the fuck did this happen?!" Angie completely ignored him as she pointed between us.

I simply shook my head and laid back down with a sigh, running a hand over my forehead.

"It's just sex." Fred explained.

"Except from the part where we haven't had sex." I said. "Because Fred is an annoying bastard who wants to wait until I've—"

"Alright, I'm gonna go." Angie said, clearing her throat while she put the dress on top of the dresser. "I'll go find George and you two can... talk."

She hurried past Fred and out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked and sat up again. "You can't just barge into a room, assuming I'm alone and say shit like that!"

"I thought she was with George!" He defended himself.

"She was!" I nodded. "But she got back early to convince me to come to the party."

Fred walked over to my bed and joined me, hovering over my body with a knee placed on either side of my hips.

"So?" He asked. "Will you be there?"

"I already agreed when Angie kept bugging me about it." I said. "Apparently I'll be wearing that dress over there."

Fred looked in the direction I nodded and when he looked at me again, he smiled.

"If you can get yourself to come before tonight, I'll fuck you with that dress hitched up over your hips."

"What?" I asked. "Before tonight? Oh c'mon!"

Fred laughed as I ran my hands into my hair.

"Listen..." he ran his fingers along my jaw. "...go take a shower."

"A shower?" I frowned. "Are you saying I smell?"

"No." He laughed. "The shower head... use it."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now