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That same night, I got home rather late.

The flat was dark when I walked through the back door. I hadn't wanted to walk through the shop so instead I had walked to the back of the building.

The back door was in the kitchen and when I entered, I saw Fred stand in the dark, drinking out of a glass of something — I couldn't see what it was.

He was shirtless, wearing just a pair of red plaid pyjamas pants.

"That was a long dinner." He commented with a small chuckle, his eyes on me, and I offered him a smile but I wasn't sure he could see it due to the dark.

"Yeah... I had a few bottles of beer with Carter out on the back porch." I said, closing the door behind me.

"Oh, so you're drunk?" He asked while I hung my jacket on the wall.

"I'm not drunk." I chuckled. "I can handle a few beers."

I pushed off my shoes before I turned around and looked at Fred whose eyes watched me through the dark.

"Was it nice then?" He asked and put down his glass before making his way around the kitchen island.

His voice was soft and I noticed the smile spread on his face as he approached me.

"Seeing my family?" I asked, before nodding. "Yeah."

"Good." He whispered, leaning down to kiss me. "Are you coming to bed?"

His hand found mine and as he tried dragging me to the bedroom, I grabbed onto his arm and tugged at it to make him look at me.

"I have to tell you something."

Fred scanned my face before his eyebrows fell into a frown.

"You alright?"

"Of course." I nodded. "I just— I may have agreed to go to dinner with Felix' older brother on Saturday."

He processed the words for a moment before he let go of my hand and took a step back while letting out a genuinely confused laugh.


"I met him at the park as I looked through the lease for the shop—"

"And he asked you out?" He asked, causing me to nod. "And you said yes?!"

"He was acting really odd and I was—"

"Another guy asked you out and you accepted?!" He cut me off. "I'm sorry but... you do realise the two of us aren't inclusive, right?"


"I'm confused. Why'd you—"

"Would you let me speak?!" I snapped, immediately shutting him up. "Thank you."

He stared at me and I took a deep breath while I stepped closer to him.

"He was acting weird and making me really uneasy and I didn't feel like I could say no to his face. I'm not going to go out with him but I still wanted to tell you. I though you should know that that happened."

Fred's eyes were glued to me as I walked through the kitchen and towards our room to get ready for bed.

While I was undressing, he joined me with his glass that was now obviously filled with water.

He shut the door behind him and walked over to the now nightstand, placing his glass on it.

"So let me get this straight." He breathed while taking a seat on the bed, watching me get dressed for bed. "He made you uneasy? How?"

I looked at him, frowning slightly.

"No, not like that." He sighed. "I'm not questioning you. I just want to know what the dickhead said to you. Was it Gideon? Or Theodore?"

I walked over to the bed, placing myself between his thighs.

"It was Theo." I said softly, running my hands over his shoulders.

Fred ran his hands to my hips, squeezing them slightly. "And what did he say?"

I shrugged.

"He reached across the table and placed his hand on mine while telling me he was glad I left Felix. He apparently heard I had moved in with you and it was just... the vibe was off."

I crawled off of Fred and moved onto my side of the bed which was by the wall. He watched me while I slid under the duvet, and when I looked at him again, our eyes met.

"You were supposed to be with your dad."

"I was."

"And then you went and you sat at the park all alone when you've got someone stalking you!"

I rolled my eyes at him and turned my back to him, closing my eyes.


"I don't want to live in fear." I said. "I'm eighteen. I should be able to go out on my own."

"And if you get hurt?"

"I'm not going to—"

"You don't know that."

With a sigh, I turned back around and looked at him. His eyes stayed on me for a moment before he turned away and grabbed his glass of water to drink out of it.

He got into bed then, and hooked an arm over my waist while brushing his nose against my shoulder.

"I want you to be safe." He whispered. "I don't want you to walk around out there on your own."

"Okay." I breathed. "If that helps calm you down... I won't go out on my own."



He was watching her again, standing in the flat across the streets of Diagon Alley as she was in bed with her boyfriend.

He felt jealous of her boyfriend — jealous that he got to hold her like that while he could only watch through a camera.


He took a picture, her face showing as she threw her head back against the pillow while laughing at something her boyfriend said.

Most of her body was covered by a duvet but he could see her breasts and he found himself mesmerised.

He imagined being the one to see her like that, all intimate, being the one to touch them and play with them while she moaned his name instead of Fred Weasley.

He had watched her for a few months. He had watched her from the second she dropped out of school.

He watched her naked and on her knees for her boyfriend in her bedroom at her parents house.

He had watched her on top of him in the empty flat before they moved in, riding him with her nails digging into his chest.

Oh how he wished he was in his place.

If just he got rid of Fred Weasley, he could finally have her.

He didn't know how, but he did know one thing.

Kai Brooks was going to be his and he wasn't going to let anybody get in his way.

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