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I closed the door behind me to make sure our parents didn't hear us argue about this.

Carter threw the bag of weed at me and I managed to catch it.

"Don't you think I know where you get it from?" He asked. "You went from dating a head boy to dating someone who grows and sells weed at Hogwarts."

I inhaled sharply.

"Yet you didn't like Felix either, did you?"

"No, I didn't like Felix." He nodded. "I saw right through that act of his but you think Fred Weasley is an upgrade?"

Scoffing, I took a step through Carter who pushed himself out of his chair.

"Fred is ten times better than him."

"Oh is he?" Carter laughed, clapping his hands together. "I guess he's treating you nicely, huh? Giving you a discount on the weed."

"Oh my god, it's just weed!" I exclaimed. "Do you even know who got me into it? That little girlfriend of yours so if you have to be on my back about it, why don't you bother Martha about it when you see her?"


"Yes!" I groaned. "She's the one who got me into it for fuck sake! Don't blame my boyfriend. Blame your girlfriend..."

I turned around and ripped the door open, marching out and down to my room.

I slammed my door shut behind me before I went through my room to find a new hiding spot for the bag of weed.

The next day, I went off to Diagon Alley alongside my mum and Carter whom didn't speak to me but I didn't speak to him either so I didn't care.

It was just fucking weed and I only smoked on occasion. It wasn't something I did every day so I didn't see the big problem.

"We'll meet back here in two hours." Mum said as we first entered Diagon Alley.

"Yes, sure." I simply said before hurrying off in one direction, leaving my mother and brother behind.

I was hurrying through the streets, turning a corner before I paused.

Fred and George were standing by one of the empty shops, looking through the windows of it and a wide smile spread across my face as I looked at Fred.

I saw him yesterday but I had still missed him. Waking up this morning without him there had been odd.

I hurried my way down towards them. George noticed me first and nudged Fred with his elbow.

Fred's eyes landed on me and a smile spread across his face.

He slid his hands from his pockets in order to catch me as I threw my arms around his neck, jumping to wrap my legs around his hips.

His arms were closed securely around my back and I heard him chuckle as I nudged my nose against the crook of his neck.

"You've missed me that terribly since yesterday?"

"Yes." I whispered before I untangled my legs and slid down until my feet hit the ground.

I looked up at him.

"My brother's being an arse and I hate being in that house when we're fighting..."

George cleared his throat.

"I'm here too, you know."

I looked at him and smiled, pushing past Fred to hug the life out of George.

"Why is your brother being an arse?" Fred asked once I pulled back out of the hug with George.

"Uh—" I ran a hand over my face. "...he found my weed... is blaming you."

"Oh, right." Fred raised his eyebrows and nodded while I let out a small chuckle.

"I don't even know what his issue is. It's just weed. I'm not doing coke or anything."

"What's coke?" George asked, causing me to look at him.

"It's another muggle drug. It's actually cocaine but it's called coke for short. It's worse and more dangerous than weed."

My eyes landed on the empty shop they had been looking at.

"What are you doing staring through those windows?" I asked, walking up to the window to look in.

It was very empty apart from a ladder towards the back of the room and a register that was pretty much abandoned.

"Thinking about buying it for your joke shop?" I asked.

"Maybe." George breathed, stepping up next to me.

"Harry gave us the money for it and we'd be able to afford this one." Fred informed me. "We just have to buy it before we go back to school."

"Don't want to risk losing it to another buyer." Fred breathed before he nudged me with his shoulder. "What do you think?"

I looked up at him for a second before looking through the windows again.

"I think it's got loads of space." I said. "Room enough for the two of you to develop all the newest toys and objects that people can get hurt on."

Fred snickered.

"Though I do enjoy seeing people in pain. Especially those I don't like."

"Ooh, have we befriended a satanist?" George asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Satanist? Do you meant sadist?"

"What's the difference?"

Oh boy...

"Satanism is a religion. A satanist is someone who believes in satan." I said. "A sadist is someone who is pleasured by causing other people harm. There's a big difference."

I looked down when I felt Fred slide his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers, and a small smile spread on my face.

"I guess I'm a sadist then."

I looked up at Fred, letting out a quiet laugh.

"You're not a sadist, Freddie." I told him. "There's a difference between causing someone pain during sex because they like it, and getting a thrill from abusing them. You never do anything without consent. You're not a sadist."

I heard George sigh.

"I get that you're together now or some shit like that, but please don't discuss sex when I'm around. I have a feeling you're currently talking from experience and I don't want to know about your individual kinks and fetishes."

I looked at him as I pressed my lips together while Fred gently laughed, brushing his fingers through his hair.

"You're the one who brought up sadism and satanism." I shrugged with a faint grin. "Don't start a conversation if you can't handle the outcome."

"Oi!" He exclaimed and went to shove me with his shoulder when Fred wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me back against his chest.

"Don't touch her." He scoffed. "She's fragile."


"Fragile?" George frowned as if reading my thoughts. "Mate you are whipped."

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