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Dumbledore fled Hogwarts to avoid being arrested.

Umbridge was going to be headmistress from tomorrow on but that didn't matter because we were leaving tomorrow.

Tonight was our last night at Hogwarts and currently, my hand was in Fred's as he dragged me down to the Quidditch pitch.

I laughed loudly as I stumbled over my own feet and Fred shushed me but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"Fuck it's cold!" I hissed when we got outside.

"Would you rather I fuck you inside?" He asked and raised his eyebrows at me. "This is my last chance to fuck you on the pitch... just like I promised you."

Laughing, I wrapped a hand around his arm as we walked.

"How I love a man who keeps his promises."

Fred grinned down at me before wrapping an arm around my waist. He pressed a kiss to my temple.

"But hey... you'll be warned up rather quickly, eh?"

I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him, causing him to laugh.

It was pitch black outside. It was close to midnight and we should be in bed but instead we were walking onto the pitch only five minutes after exiting the castle.

Fred moved behind me, placing his hands on my hips as he gently pushed me closer to the beams of the Gryffindor tower where our house would be during a quidditch game.

He spun me around and I shrieked with laughter, wrapping an arm around his neck while he pushed me up against one of the beams, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

He nudged his nose against mine and I smiled as I pressed my lips to his.

"I'll be gentle." He whispered. "Don't worry."

We hadn't had sex since that night when Felix took a picture of me on my knees, touching myself in front of Fred.

Fred knew it had made me extremely uncomfortable. Even being naked around Fred since had been hard so this would be the first time since that he saw me without any clothes on.

I hummed against Fred's lips as his hands ran up my thighs and under my skirt, rubbing my skin in a soothing way.

My fingers brushed into the small hairs on the back of his neck and the sound of kissing filled the pitch.

Fred ran his fingers over my knickers and I let out a breath against his lips at the feeling.

He chuckled against me before pulling his head back a few inches to look at me.

"So desperate." He whispered. "One touch and you're melting."

He pushed my underwear aside and I gasped as Fred slipped a finger inside of me. He mimicked my expression, mocking me before a cheeky smile found its way onto his face.

As he pumped his finger in and out of me, I leaned my head against the beam and when he pushed another finger into me, I let out a moan into the air.

"Freddie..." I whimpered, digging my nails into his shoulder.

"What is it, pretty girl? Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."

I pulled him closer, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck before nudging my nose against his jawline.

"I want to feel you." I whispered. "Please."

"Yeah?" He asked, curling his fingers inside of me, and I whimpered, my eyes closing as I let my forehead rest against the crook of his neck. "This isn't feeling me?"

"You know what I mean." I whispered against his skin. "Please, Freddie."

Fred chuckled and pulled his fingers out, bringing him up to my lips and I automatically, parted them.

He pushed his fingers past them and while staring at him, I sucked them clean, twirling my tongue around them.

Then his hand went to his belt buckle and before pushing his trousers down, he pulled a condom from his pockets.

"I gotta get on birth control." I said and Fred chuckled, carefully ripping the package open with his teeth.

He let out a small breath as he rolled the condom on, then ran his hands to the back of my thighs, lifting me up quickly.

I gasped as he thrusted into me with no warning and I threw my head back, banging it against the beam.

"Oh shit." Fred cursed. "You have no idea how good you feel."

I laughed through a moan, closing my eyes as he started to move, slowly pulling out of me to thrust back in.

My whimper mixed with his moan.

"So good." He whispered. "Look at me, pretty girl."

I moaned instead of doing what he told me to.

"Kai. Look at me." He snapped and I did, looking at him as he thrusted into me, hard and slow. "That's it. That's my good girl."

He ran one hand up my body, wrapping his fingers around my throat while his other hand rested against the back of my thigh.

"Go on, love. Let me hear those pretty sounds you make."

I ran my hand into his hair, moaning and he squeezed slightly in either side of my throat, slowing the blood flow.

It only heightened the sensations. I felt like my body could explode at any moment.

Everything felt good.

"I'm the only one who can fuck you like this." He said, leaning in to kiss my jaw. "The only one who can make you feel this good, aren't I?"

"Yes." I whimpered. "You're the only one."

He nudged his nose against my jaw and I moaned into his ear, running my hand up his shirt, feeling the bare skin of his back — feeling his muscles.

"Say it again." He whispered into my ear before he sucked my earlobe into his mouth.

"You're the—" I whimpered when he bit down on my earlobe. "...the only one."

I ran my hand into my own hair, my head resting against the beam while he thrusted in and out of me, his mouth working on my neck.

"You sound so pretty for me." He whispered. "You're my pretty girl, aren't you?"

"Fuck." I cursed, my eyes rolling back as I got closer and closer to my orgasm. "Yes. I'm your— I'm your girl."

"Pretty girl." He corrected me, slowing down as he pulled back to look at me. "I want to hear you call yourself pretty."

"I'm your pretty girl." I whispered and a satisfied smirk found its way onto his face before he kissed me deeply, and right at that moment, I came, gasping as I threw my head back again.

I stared up at the stars visible on the sky, my soul leaving my body for a moment and as I clenched around Fred, I heard him groan before he came into the condom.

Then it crashed and my soul came back to my body.

I let out a heavy breath, closing my eyes. I heard Fred chuckle softly. He rested his forehead against the crook of my neck and I could feel his eyelashes flutter against my skin.

"That was good." I whispered and Fred hummed against me, pulling out of me before he gently put me down.

My legs were shaking slightly and I hissed at the ache as I leaned against the beam.

While Fred rolled the condom off, I fixed my underwear and when I looked at him again, he was pulling up his trousers.

"Need me to take that?" I asked, reaching for the filled condom.

There was a bin by the dressing rooms.

Fred handed it to me and I tied a knot on it, walking over to throw it out while he closed his belt again.

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