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I had ended up fainting just like I said I would.

I was feeling like shit but there was so many injured that no one knew when anyone could get shipped off to St. Mungo's.

The healers here could only do as much, and I were in need of blood. I had lost so much during the explosion in the seventh floor corridor, and also after.

Dorothy said I was in something called Hypovolemic shock where there isn't enough blood in the body for the heart to keep pumping.

"What the fuck are we waiting for?!" Carter cursed at Dorothy. "My little sister is dying and you're telling me we have to wait?"

"It's not my decision, Carter. She needs the healers at St. Mungo's but no one can leave before there's been a count."

"Then do the fucking count!" Carter yelled. "Your son is the reason she's laying here! She was already weak when that explosion hit. If she hadn't already been hurt, she might've be okay right now, but she isn't and that's your sons fault, which makes it your fault! Save my sister or I'll kill you!"

"Carter!" Another voice shouted and I quickly realised who it was.

"Mum..." I whispered, my voice weak, and I could barely keep my eyes open.

I could hear mum shouting but I didn't focus on it, not until she was on her knees, taking my head in her hands.

I looked at her.

"Oh baby." Mum was crying as she brushed her hand over my hair.

She looked back at Carter again, yelling something at him before Carter ran off, looking like someone who was trying to find someone.

"I'm sorry, mum." I whispered, and mum looked at me, shaking her head while crying. "I'm tired."

"I know, honey." She assured me, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "It's alright. Your father will be here soon. We'll get you a blood transfusion even if I have to do it myself."

I closed my eyes, feeling my mother brush a hand over my hair repeatedly, kissing my forehead from time to time.

"Kai..." Fred whispered from next to me and immediately I opened my eyes and pulled myself away from my mum and towards him.

He was awake, his head turned to look at me.

"Kai..." he repeated, moving a hand to brush some hair behind my ear, then he cracked a smile. " look like shit."

Smiling, I leaned down and rested my head against his shoulder.

"I feel like shit."

He wrapped an arm around me and pressed a kiss to my head while letting out a heavy breath.

"Do you feel better?" I asked quietly, and he hummed in response.

"I'm just a little tired." He said and that was the last thing I heard at that moment.

I woke up again, feeling as tired as before with no acknowledgment of what had happened.

I was back in my spot, next to Fred who was now sitting, cleaning up some blood from my arm.

"You're not dead." Fred commented as he noticed that I was awake.

I looked at him, forcing a small smile.

"Neither are you."

Fred chuckled, tilting his head as he watched my face.

"You're going to be okay." He said. "Your father donated some of his blood. Apparently he matches you just like Bill does. Now, your father is out trying to find Theodore as if he's in the castle. We won. They've all run off to hide."

I smiled.

Nothing could explain how happy I was to see that Fred was alright, sitting there, well enough to be cleaning blood off of my body.

"You did lose a lot of blood." He told me. "And the baby didn't survive that."

"What?" I asked. "It's dead?"

Fred nodded and I let out a breath of relief, running a hand over my forehead.

I didn't feel as sick as before. I wasn't in that big of a blood loss now that my father had donated to me as well, but I probably did need more.

"I'm not pregnant with his child anymore?" I asked and when Fred shook his head, I started crying out of pure relief, running my hands up and over my face. "I've been pregnant twice and neither of the times, I've been able to become a mother."

Fred moved closer to me and I looked at him. He moved a hand up to wipe tears from my cheeks.

"I thought you didn't care to be a mother."

"Yeah, but when you've been pregnant twice without being able to keep it, it kind of leaves this need to have one." I said and sniffed, shaking my head. "When do I get to go home? I want to go home."

"I don't know, pretty." He said, brushing some hair out of my face. "You need to be seen at St. Mungo's first."

"Oh fuck..." I cursed before crying again. "...I'm so tired, Freddie. You were right. I shouldn't have come. I'm in so much pain..."

"You're in pain?" He asked. "Merlin's beard, Kai. Why do you never tell me? Let me go find someone who can give you something—"

"No." I spoke and grabbed his arm. "Don't leave. I don't want you to leave me here alone."

Fred sighed and tilted his head.

"You need something for the pain..."

"No I don't." I shook my head. "I'm okay."

He didn't argue. He just stared at me with a pained expression before taking my hand and bringing it up to his lips.

"Martha was here while you were passed out." He told me. "She completely freaked out when she saw you, but I sent her off to help around the castle to get her mind off it."

"Help around the castle?" I asked. "What are people doing?"

Fred sighed and shook his head.

"Finding bodies, finding survivors..." he shrugged. "I don't care. I'm just happy that I don't have to find you lying out there."

"What if— where's Angie?" I asked. "Or Lee?"

"They're here, don't worry." He assured me. "They're looking for survivors as well. We haven't lost that many people..."

"We—" I frowned. "...who's dead?"

Fred closed his eyes for a moment before looking at me again.

"Lupin...Tonks... Lavender Brown... Colin Creevey." He said, shaking his head. "Fifty more people."

"Wait... oh my god." I muttered. "Lupin and Tonks. They have a child. Lavender is just a girl and Colin is just a boy..."

Fred rubbed his hand up and down my arm as he watched me realise that those four people that I had known and talked to at times either during my school years or after, were gone.

Two of them had a kid and the other two were kids.

It wasn't fair.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a scream. A very familiar scream.

It was my mum.

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