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My legs were wrapped around his waist, my back pressed to the door.

Fred's lips were on my neck and my fingers were running through his hair repeatedly.

"Freddie." I whimpered. "We can't do this now."

He hummed against my skin before I tugged on his hair, pulling his head back so I could look at him.

"They'll be here soon." I said. "Any minute now, my mum will call us downstairs."

"I know." He said and leaned in to kiss me gently.

I untangled my legs from around his hips and he supported my weight as I slid down until I stood on my own two feet.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, noticing the uneasy look on his face.

"Nervous? No." He chuckled. "Though I don't know if I'll be able to sit down there with him looking at you."

Chucking, I leaned back against the door of my bedroom and looked up at Fred as I toyed with the hem of his jumper.

"He's not gonna look at me. He's got a girlfriend."

"That hasn't stopped him before, has it?" Fred asked, eyebrows raised. "And you look absolutely beautiful so of course he's gonna look at you."

My mum had divided us all into two groups. The adults and the teenagers.

There was one table in the kitchen where the adults would sit and as my mum said; "discuss adult things"

Then there was a table in the dining room where we'd sit and having to sit at a table with Felix and Martha without having anyone there that could stop the drama, made me sort of nervous.

"You know what'll be fun?" I asked. "Seeing my brother and Martha in the same room and watch them try and hide the tension between them."

Fred laughed softly and rested his forehead against mine, kissing me again.

I kissed him back, gasping slightly against his lips when he ran his hand up and wrapped his fingers around my throat.

"I'm gonna fuck you afterwards." He whispered, pulling his head back a few inches to look at my lips.

"That a promise?" I asked, looking up at him from under my eyelashes.

"Don't look at me like that." He breathed and I bit down on my lip, still staring up at him in the same way.

Then he kissed me again, this time much rougher while he pushed my back against the door.

I wrapped an arm around his neck and went to open his trousers when I heard my mum's voice, shouting for us to come downstairs.

"Fuck." Fred breathed and stepped back, running his fingers over his lips.

I stared at him for a moment before I walked over to my mirror to make sure I looked presentable and not like some horny teenage girl.

My hair was a mess by having been pressed up against the door, my cheeks were blushed and lips were swollen.

"Is that hickeys?" I asked when I saw the fresh bruises on the right side of my neck. "There's at least... seven of them. Fred!"

I heard him chuckle.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked. "I can't go down there looking like this!"

"No need to panic." Fred laughed and walked over to me while pulling out his wand.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, placing his chin on my shoulder while he moved his wand to my neck.

He mouthed something and then the bruises slowly faded away.

"You might want to do something about your hair." He said and straightened up while pocketing his wand. "You look like you've been fucked."

"I wish I had been fucked." I scoffed, brushing my fingers through my hair to brush it out quickly.

"We could—"

"Nope. We need to be downstairs." I said and grabbed his hand, dragging him with me out of my room and out into the hallway where Carter was in the process of leaving his own room.

He took one look at us, then sighed.

"Hi Carter." Fred grinned, wiggling his fingers at him in a fancy little wave. "Nice seeing you again."

My brother didn't answer, just stared at him with anger visible in his face.

"C'mon." I said and tugged at Fred's hand, dragging him with me down the stairs.

"He absolutely hates my guts." Fred whispered and I glanced at him with a chuckle.

"Maybe try not being a cocky shit and be your genuine self instead."

Fred raised an eyebrow at me, a playful smirk on his face and I sighed.

"Maybe not your genuine self." I corrected myself.

"Yeah, that usually doesn't go well." He grinned, following me into the kitchen where my mum was preparing dinner.

"What are you making?" I asked, walking over to pull myself onto the counter while Fred placed himself by my legs.

"Mandoo." She told me and when I noticed Fred's confused expression, I chuckled.

"It's Korean dumplings." I told him. "Mum makes the best ones."

"I'm also making stew." Mum said with a faint smile.

"Kimchi?" I asked.

"Yes." She nodded before she looked at Fred. "Do you like spicy foods, Fred?"

"Well... the few times I've tasted it, I've enjoyed it but I'll have to admit that I am not used to spices."

I smiled as my hand found his.

"Oh darling, you are in for a ride." Mum laughed softly before glancing at me. "Get off the counter, Kai."

Quickly, I slid off the counter and Fred wrapped an arm around my waist to steady me when I stumbled a little.

The sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house and I moved over to look out of the kitchen window.

"Shit. It's the Ganders."

Columbus and Adelia Ganders are Martha's aunt and uncle that she lives with. Columbus is her mother's brother but they don't have any sort of relationship towards each other — only a hostile one.

Martha stood out there behind her aunt and uncle, looking like she didn't want to be here, but then again... neither did I.

I heard footstep in the hallway that I recognised to be my dads, and then I heard the front door open.

"God, kill me now." I groaned.

"Kai." Mum warned.

She hated when I misused god's name. Not many wizards and witches believe in god but my mother do.

"Sorry mum." I breathed, intertwining my fingers with Fred's.

"You don't want to go greet Martha?" Fred whispered softly, rubbing his free hand up and down my arm.

I shook my head.

"Don't want to, but I'll have to speak to her sooner or later."

Serpentine ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now