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Fred's arm was wrapped around my neck as we walked.

I was constantly laughing and giggling over the smallest things and if Fred didn't have a hold on me, I would've probably ended up in a ditch in Hogsmeade.

I might've gotten a little high on our trip from London.

"Fred... Fred... Freddie." I tugged at the arm that hung around my neck and over my shoulder.

"Yes?" Fred laughed, looking down at me. "What is it?"

"I need to buy something from you." I said in a whisper, looking up at him. "I've money. You don't have to worry. I can pay you. Or, I can pay you with sex. Wouldn't that be nice? I like sex."

Then I broke into a series of giggles, Fred watching me while pulling me closer.

"I think you've had enough weed, pretty." He told me.

"So I can't buy some from you?"

"Not today you can't."

"Awh." I pouted at him before tripping over my own feet and Fred caught me so that I didn't fall.

"Don't you already have an entire bag of weed?" He asked me. "You bought it from George and I just last month."

I whined, wrapping an arm around his back.

"Dad took it from me."


"Can you carry me?" I whined. "My feet are heavy."

"We're almost at the carriages, love."

"Please Freddie."

"Oh for Godric's sake." George exclaimed and slowed down, bending his knees slightly. "Hop on, Brooks."

"Yay!" I cheered, grabbing onto his shoulder before I hopped onto his back. "Thank you Georgie."

I heard Fred scoff but I ignored it as our group continued towards the carriages.

"Georgie?" I whispered into his ear, hearing him hum in response. "I really love your brother."

"I know you do, Kai."

I broke into another series of giggles that only stopped when we reached the carriages.

I slid off George's back and stumbled back into Angelina who placed a hand on my waist to steady me.

"You smoked too much, love." She said, supporting my weight as I struggled to get onto the carriage.

"I can handle it." I grunted, my eyes landing on Martha and Felix who walked together from Hogsmeade station.

"Oi!" I exclaimed as I stood up in the carriage, earning the attention from the both.

I held up both of my middle fingers.

"Fuck you, losers!" I shouted, then laughed as I stumbled into one of the seats.

Angie sat down across from me, Lee next to her and when Fred sat down next to me, I leaned my head against his arm.

"You better be fucking sober before we reach Hogwarts." He told me. "You'll be kicked out of school if you're caught like this."


Once we sat in the Great Hall, the effects of the weed had worn off.

My mouth was super dry so I kept downing water while eating.

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